Chapter 01: Apollo's prophecy

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It was a normal day in Olympus. Poseidon and Zeus were arguing about whose domains better. And Ares and Aphrodite were flirting. Apollo and Artemis were bickering about whose older. Athena was reading a book and Hephaestus was doing some metalwork. Also, Hermes was answering 5 mail phone calls at the same time. Hestia was at the hearth making it warm. Demeter was eating a bowl of cereal. Hera was looking bored by them arguing and Dionysus was drinking wine.

Then suddenly the three fates appeared on the Olympus throne room. As soon as the gods saw them, they stopped what they were doing.

" Why have you graced us with your presence? my ladies," Zeus asked.

"We have come to give you another prophecy, my lords and ladies"

"And it's about lord Apollo," said the three fates.

" huh, there's a prophecy about me. What is it this time?" Said Apollo.

"  The first daughter of the sea will be born
  And she will be fated to the sun
  She will be a goddess against her wills
  When her eighteenth completes
   The sun will finally win or lose love
  The choice lies within her hand "           said the prophecy three fates.

Apollo was happy that he finally found his other half. He also was afraid about the last part. But I'll make sure to do anything to have her.

" Poseidon," Zeus roared. " You broke the oath. I will kill your child."

" Don't you dare Zeus, Father" Shouted both Poseidon and Apollo?

"If you hurt a single hair on her, you will have a war on your hand. Zeus, Father" said both Poseidon and Apollo again.

"But if she makes one bad move, she's dead." Said, Zeus

"I want to know how Poseidon's daughter looks like," Athena said.

" Then we will Irish message her from one side, daughter," Zeus said putting a portal like a shape huge Irish message in the middle of the throne room.

Then the portal became visible and showed a little girl age 6 wearing a school uniform.

She looked a billion times beautiful than Aphrodite. And she had the blackest gorgeous hair with the most unique ocean blue-green eyes. All the gods and goddesses except Poseidon and Apollo envied the sun, God. Poseidon felt more protective towards her.

" What's her name brother," asked Hestia.

" Her name is Dehlia Potter," said Poseidon.

Then the little girl no, Dehlia walked from the hall which had moving pictures on them.
After she walked for a while, she stopped in front of and said something for the first time. She had a beautiful voice. She said something in an unfamiliar language. Then all of us turned to Athena.

" she said Purest of pure in Latin you idiots." Said Athena barely.

" Why would she need Latin. Only Romans need them." Asked Hera.

" That is because she is a pure-blood witch in the Hecate's community. Sister" said Poseidon.

Then the portrait opened and we saw a huge Library.


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