Chapter 06: I am offered a Quest

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The next morning Chiron moved me to cabin three. I was the only camper but at least I had privacy. I loved the cabin. The cabin was so beautiful. It had a private bathroom room and a gorgeous fountain. Also, I had a good view of the beach from here. It was awesome.
After a few days, Chiron called me to the big house and explained the lightning thief situation. I was really mad for a moment cause I had to endanger my life for a stupid bolt l haven't even seen about. I kind of was really mad because it kind of proves that my so-called father claimed me to return the bolt to Zeus. Then I went to the oracle in the attic and asked what's my destiny. It gave me a prophecy. Then left the camp with Grover and Annabeth. Then we met Medusa and I defeated her. I also sent her head to Olympus. We met a God of War Ares and he gave us a quest to bring his shield. We had to fight echidna and I defeated her. We then were stuck for five days in the Lotus Hotel. We then went to the underworld and talked to uncle Hades. Then we realized it was Ares who stole it and I had to fight with him. I defeated him and returned the helm of darkness to Hades. I then went to the Olympus building and went inside.

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