Chapter 09 : A annoying trouble named Apollo

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After Dehlia lost consciousness, Apollo carried her bridal style to his infirmary.
All the Olympians followed him and he put her on a comfortable bed.

' Apollo, no funny business with my daughter.' Said Poseidon.
' Don't disturb her sleep Uncle P.' Said Apollo.
Then all of them except Apollo left the infirmary. Apollo then summoned a chair next to her bed and slept after kissing her forehead.

8 hours later

I woke up yawning and saw I was in a weird place. Then I remembered what happened.
Whoa, I'm a goddess now. It's kind of good and bad at the same time. Then a gold blonde with sparkling blue eyes woke next to me in the chair. Huh. He drools in his sleep. That's kind of cute. Wait, what.???. Ahh, stupid blonds, they always drive me crazy.

' dearest, you woke me up. How are you feeling? ' said Apollo yawning.
'  Don't call me dearest, you dumb blond. ' said Dehlia angrily flushing.
' And there's drool on your face ' said smirking slightly Dehlia.
' Wanna lick it off me? ' said Apollo smirking.
' Get out. You dirty old pervert.' said flustered Dehlia throwing a pillow at him.

When she said that the other Olympians arrived at the infirmary. Then she hid inside her sheet. And Apollo got shooed out by Artemis and Poseidon. Then Poseidon lifted her sheet and asked if she's fine and if Apollo bothered her. Then she said, ' Just his perverted talk. Dad. Don't worry about it.'
' If you say so daughter. But if he gets out of hand. You'll tell me immediately. Okay, my angel.' Said Poseidon. Then I nodded to him.  Other gods congratulated me, even  Ares.
Then I asked permission to go to my grandparent's house. I gave them my puppy eyes and they agreed immediately but with conditions. They said I have to arrive at the council meetings every time. Also, I had to spend more time in Olympus. I kinda agreed and went to the throne room to sit on my throne. Athena gave me some plans to design my palace which was gorgeous. I told her how I want it. It was kind of great since I could bond with my father. Then my first  council meeting began and I had to sit beside Apollo
Which was really annoying since he was flirting with me. On the other hand, I had Athena, who I really liked as a good friend. I didn't even look at him and he kept flirting with me. Then suddenly, my right hand felt kind of warm than my left hand. When I tried to move it, it just wouldn't move then I stopped talking to Athena and looked in my hand's direction. The dumb sun god was holding my hand. I looked at him angrily and grabbed my hand from him.
' it wouldn't have happened if you just talked to me.' said Apollo teasingly.
' Why would I want to talk to you?'  mumbled Dehlia lazily.
' I'm your future husband. darling. ' said, Apollo
' Don't you have any other thing to do other than bother me?' Mumbled Dehlia.

Aaaand the council meeting ended and I teleported to my house.
Whoa, it's a tiring day. I think I'm gonna long nap.


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