Chapter 08: Accepting Godhood

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After 6 years

A lot of things happened in the past 6 years.  Deliah defeated Kronos. Lifted the sky. Survived Tartarus. Graduated Hogwarts. Defeated many titans and lost her memory and faced another war and defeated Game. She also made new friends. She led two wars and united both camps. As she grew her power and beauty grew. She also forgives Poseidon and loves him very much. She refused godhood twice and gave Hades and Hestia Seats on the council. Brought respect to minor gods.


The Olympus Councill Summoned the seven and other demigods to reward them.
Then Zeus begins to spoke and he started rewarding them. Annabeth, Clarisse, Piper, Leo, Jason, Thalia, Nico, Frank and Hazel were offered minor godhood and they accepted gladly. Then it was my turn Zeus spoke my name and offered me to be the 15th Olympian. I didn't want godhood. But I had no choice this time so I accept it. As soon as I said that the three fates came to give me my domains.

' All hail, Dehlia Potter  15th Olympian Goddess of Power, Victory, Time, Heroes, Elements, Life, Wind, Tides, Loyalty, Ice, Creation, Destruction, Balance, Battle Arts, Law, and Universe. Soulmate of Apollo.' Said the three fates.

I felt everything inside of me burning. Then I felt my mortal blood vanish and replace it with ichor. I then glowed my appearance grew 10 times more beautiful. My clothes changed into a blue chiton with gold and sapphires on it. Then a new throne appeared next to Apollo beside Athena. Then I grew 20 feet and sat on my throne. Then I felt my domains flash before my eyes. My eyes then glowed purple like the galaxies and I closed them one more time and it became my normal colour. I then felt dizzy and I lost my consciousness. Then I saw Apollo caught me before I hit the ground.

  🔆 OTHER HALF OF THE SUN 🔆 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora