Chapter 03: Three old ladies knit the socks of Death and Grover lose his pants

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The whole school acted like they didn't know Mrs.Dodds. I got busy to forget what happened with lot of extra activities and studying. Then the holidays came and I was on the top of the section as always. But, I was kind of suspicious of that incident cause of Grover.  I was excited to go home. I can't wait to catch up with them and learn some family magic. I got to the bus with Grover and suddenly there was smoke. I got off the bus and saw weird old three ladies knitting the biggest pair of socks I have ever seen. I then saw the lady on the middle cut a silver string. Then I went inside the bus and saw Grover muttering to himself like a crazy person so I ditched him soon as I got up the bus. When he needed to go to the bathroom. I took a cab to my house. After a long drive I arrived at home.
Word about my grandmother, before you meet her.
Her name is Liliana Potter and she is the best person in the world, which proves my theory that the best people have the rottenest luck in the world. Her both children died to save me from Voldemort. I wish that my father had been there for me. But he was never there for us. Grandma said that he was lost in sea. He came from a important family. Then why would he abandon my mother. Potters are the best wizarding family in Britain. I hope he stays lost in the sea. I will never forgive him. I went inside the house and was greeted by my grandparents. I hugged them both. I love them with my life. I will never let them be hurted because of me. I always obey them. My grandfather, Lord Charles Potter is my mentor. I was always  looked up to him.

' You can practice with your wand. dear, ' ' you have grown lot since Christmas. darling,
We should get more clothes to you.'  Said grandpa happily.
' Okay, grandpa. ' I told grandpa. Then I went upstairs and got freshen up and took a nap.

2 hours later...

I woke up and checked time. It was 2.15 PM in the afternoon. I went downstairs and ate something the house elves give me. I then played magical chess with both grandpa and grandma. I have all I wanted in my life. I would not trade them for nothing.  Then somebody knocked the bell on our home. I opened the door and saw my godfather Sirius Black. He's always been there for me. He is the father figure in my life. He was always there for my mother and I.

' Paddy, you came. I missed you so much.'  I said hugging him.
' Pup, I too missed you. You've grown lot since Christmas. I got many books for you.' He said ruffling my hair.  ' Paddy, not the hair. I just brushed it. ' I said dramatically.
We then decided where to go for the holidays. After a long hour. All of us decided to go to our hotel in Montauk. I like my mother felt a deep connection with the sea. I always loved the sea. By looking at it's calm waves, it would always calm my mind. And the sea creatures, they were so friendly to me. Also, I had special ability with the sea. I could control water and talk to sea creatures. It's not a big deal to me. I also could talk to horses and snakes. After all  I am a powerful pure blood witch. I then went Shopping with grandma. Then I packed some of my luggage with my wand and went to sleep.

I woke up early and checked my luggage one more time and got ready for the trip.
We all then arrived to our hotel and went to our private quarters. My room was just as l lefted it. I then wore a blue denim with flowers on them. And a matching t-shirt. I wore a sunglass cause if the sun bothers me, I could protect my eyes at least. I then had lots of fun in my trip. We stayed there for 4 days and left home. I had lots of fun and made more memories there. I also got many pictures for my memory album.

Then somebody knocked the bell on our house like thousand times. The weather was terrible today. All of us woke up and grandpa opened the door. That night, I also had a vivid dream. It was storming on the beach, and two beautiful animals, a horse and a eagle were trying to kill each other at the edge of the surf. The eagle swooped down and slashed the horse's muzzle with it's talons. The horse reared up and kicked at the eagle's wings. As they fought the ground rumbled, and a monstrous chuckled somewhere beneath the earth, goading the animals to fight harder.
I ran towards them, knowing I had to stop them from killing each other, but I was running in a slow motion. I knew I would be too late. I saw the eagle dive down it's beak amied at the horse's wide eyes and I screamed no. What kind of a dream is that I wondered. When grandpa opened the door I saw Grover standing at the doorway again a backdrop of pouring rain. But he wasn't....... wasn't exactly Grover.
'Searching for 5 days, ' He gasped. ' What were you thinking? '
My grandfather looked at me in terror.... not scared of Grover, but why he'd come.
' Dehlia,' he said shouting to be heard from the rain. ' What happened at school? Why didn't you tell me? '
I was frozen looking at Grover. I couldn't understand what I was seeing.
' O zeu kai alloi theoi ' he yelled. ' it's right behind me. Didn't you tell her? '
I was too shocked to register that he'd just cursed perfectly in Ancient Greek, I'd understood him perfectly. I was too shocked to wonder how Grover had gotten here by
himself in the middle of the night. Because Grover didn't have his trousers on. And where his leg should be.... Where his leg should be....
My grandpa looked at me sternly and started to use a tone she'd never used before.
' Dehlia, Tell me now! '
I told him about Mrs.Doddd and the three old ladies at the fruit mart, and then Sirius, grandma and grandpa starred at me, their faces deathly pale in the flash of lightning.
Grandpa then grabbed his wallet and gave me my magical bag I had for emergencies. It had all the stuff I needed. Then he said, ' get in the car. both of you.'
Then Sirius spoke, ' Uncle, you can't drive in this weather vastly. I'll take them there.  I could drive faster than you safely.'
' Okay, son. Hurry up then leave now!!! ' said grandpa hurriedly.
Grover ran for the car but he wasn't running, exactly. He was trotting shaking his shaggy headquarters, and suddenly he's story about a muscular disorder in his legs came sense to me. I understand how he could run so fast and still limped when he walked.
Because where his feet should be, there were no feet. There were hooves.

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