Part 1: Earth ~ Chapter IV

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"Miss Nijiro, please, come in."

I follow her orders. When I step in I take a moment to remember the last time I was here. It was 6 years ago with my Dad and I had failed multiple of my classes. She wanted to speak with the both of us concerning my grades. A shiver runs down my spine and I shut off the memory instantly. I don't feel like remembering the scolding I got from both the principal, and him.

It's warm. The heater in the corner of the room was the only thing that felt welcoming about this room. Her desk is still situated in the middle of the room, surrounded by various drawers and cabinets. Everything is still as I remember it, except I had just noticed now the guards standing at the far end. Now I was really nervous.

"Miss Nijiro, would you please take a seat?"

Doing as she says once again, I sit down in the seat in front of her desk. She takes her seat as well. After pausing for a moment in case she wants to start talking first, I blurt out the first question that pops into my mind.

"Is this because I was late? It was just one time, I promise it won't happen again!"

"No, this is not because you were late to class."

I slowly start to relax. 'Oh thank God, so I shouldn't be in trouble... right?'

"We just have a few questions to ask you, about your father."

My relaxation is short lived. My back straightens itself and my guard comes up in an instant. 'Dad? What does this have to do about Dad?' Another person comes into my line of vision. The brown button-down shirt and badge make me recognize him as the town sheriff. The police being involved is never a good sign.

"You seem nervous, Sera. There's no need to be scared, we just want to ask you a few questions."

The principal smiles at me one more time, and somehow that just makes me even more nervous. How couldn't I be? Plus, using my first name instead of my last isn't doing anything to help calm me down.

"Did he do something wrong?" I turn to ask the sheriff before he can even begin to speak. He shakes his head, giving me a "no".

"No, he didn't. He-" He pauses and looks to the principal nervously. She looks back at him and nods her head, giving him some sort of signal to keep going. "We have reasons to suspect he might have... gone missing."

"Missing?!" I spring up from my seat, making the two adults jump back in surprise. Seeing this, I take a breath before slowly sinking back down, the other two visibly relax as well. 'What-... wait... w-what?! How can they just say that??? I-...' Multiple thoughts, questions, and emotions start to rush in me. I'm confused and my head starts to hurt. "H-how are you sure? How do you know that? Is there even any evidence he disappeared?!" My foot starts to tap at a rapid pace. I'm scared now, more scared for my Dad than anything.

"There has been circumstantial evidence that has been admitted to the station anonymously. It wasn't much, but it was enough for us to launch an investigation."

"What kind of evide-?!"

"However, that evidence will remain undisclosed to the public until further notice."

I feel my entire world crash around me the moment those words leave his lips. The headache started to hurt even more, causing me to rub my temples. I was getting angry, and I needed answers now. 'How can they keep this from me?!'

"Don't you think I have a right to know?! I come to school, only to have you call me into your office before class starts. Then all of a sudden I have this guy-!" I point a finger towards the sheriff for emphasis. "-tell me my Dad is suspected of going missing-?!"

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