C. 24

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Noah Brown
One week later

I kick the door multiple times. "LET ME OUT, ASSHOLES!" I kick the door again and again. I smack my head.

"Lock me in here? Did they lock me in here? Noah needs to get out! He needs to get out." I say to myself. I hear the door open. I turn around and see Lily.

"You need to let me out," I say to her

"Noah, I can't do that." She says in a stern voice. "Sit down."

My eyes go black. My hands wrap around her throat. She gasped for air. The other doctors in white scrubs run over and roughly grab me. I kick one of them in the nuts and punch the other, but ONE doctor pulled out a needle and stuck it in my arm.

My vision gets blurry. I fell to the ground, and I see all of them standing over me.


My eyes flutter open. I bright light beams in my face. I move my arms, my I hear a large clank. My arms are chained to both ends of the bed.

My head looks around my surroundings seeing Lily shaking her head.

"Let me out bitch"


"LET. ME. OUT! I fucking take this shit! It's been a week...A FUCKING WEEK. What are you all going to do? Dose me up on medication? Lock me in cells? You can do all that shit but trust me. I'm going to find a way out..." I tell her 

"Your not. Your hands are chained. Why are you so angry? Your angrier than when you were 13." She says

"Get this light out my face, and then y'all can holla at me," I say, squinting my eyes at the light. She moves it to the side and looks at me.

As she looked down at me with a concerned face, I hawk back some spit and spit in her face.

She quickly wiped it off. "Good one." She grabs a tissue and wipes it off. "Noah, I'm trying to help. You're just going to have to deal with me. Until I see some progress, you're not getting out of this room Or this facility."

Good behavior she wants...good behavior she's going to get.

I look at her. "My girlfriend...My ex-girlfriend put me in a Psychiatric hospital. Who does that shit?"

"Someone who wants to see you better." Lily says.

"Why would she do it? She knows how much I hate hospitals. He knows all the shit I've been through! She sent me away...She sent me away...to make her self feel better. I bet that's the reason she put me in here! SHE PUT ME IN HERE TO GET RID OF ME-" I was about to snap but lily puts her hand on my arm.

"No, I don't think that's reason"

"What do you know?"

"Everything about you, Noah. I've known you since you were 13. Do you remember that little boy who was throwing around chairs and yelling "let me out". Your grandmother put you in here to get you better, same with Ryan. She was doing it for you"

"That bitch DONT care about me! She put me in here because she thought I was crazy...IM. NOT. CRAZY" I say "So, both of them, can die and get run over by a bus"

She leans back into her seat and fix her glasses. I move my arm but the chains were holding me back.

I look up at lily "you think I'm crazy?"

"I think, your just misunderstood. I know you have good intentions Noah. You, just have to corporate with the therapy." She gets up jiggling keys. She unchained my hands. I cross my arms as she walks back over to her seat. "Your not gonna try nothing?"

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