Chapter 11 ( Babysit)

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Bakugo's P.O.V

Next day......

I woke up to fucking banging against the wall so I got out of bed and swunged open my door to go knock on shitty hair's.

"CHILL THE FUCK OUT DAMMIT, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP" I banged, after a while I heard lots of rambling coming from the other side of the door. The door than swinged open revealing dumbhair.

"Sorry bakubro, I was actually punching my punching bag and for some reason, I missed and punched the wall, my bad"

"Whatever, don't do that shit again"

He laughed as he nodded and shut the door. I sighed and walked back to mine but when I was walking I seen fucking deku sliding a peace of paper under my door.

"What the he'll are you doing, ya bastard,? what was that piece of paper you just slid up under my fucking door damn it"?

"Oh, Momo wanted me to invite you to her party this weekend, she invited the Whole c-class"

"Well, I'm not going so leave"

"P-please kac-chan she wants everyone to go"

"Everyone is going, why would she need me"?


"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE DEKU, BEFORE I BREAK IT" the weakling got startled, as I walked back into my dorm I  slammed it right in his fucking face. I sighed and went to the bathroom to washup and shower, after that I exited and dried off my hair now slipping on my clothes, after I went through social media.

"Ugh... I'm fucking hungry" I threw my phone onto the bed to go make me some food. Once I made it into the kitchen I took me a pack of spicy ramen out of the cabinet and threw it into the microwave. After about 2 minutes or so I took them out and went back to my dorm to eat.


After I made it into my dorm I started to eat and watch tv. After I got finished eating, I threw the bowl away and grabbed my jacket and waterbottle I havent drinken and left once again.

"WHAT THE F- I almost tripped, but caught myself. After I made it to my destination, I knocked on the door, well technically banged.


"COMING" I heard come from the other side of the door. The door than swinged open revealing todoroki in a oversized sweatshirt with joggers.'hm.... He looks really cute...WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME'.

"Umm bakugo" he waved his hand over my face.

"Get your fucking hand out of my face, before I break it"

He moved his hand and opened his dorm door all the way so that I can come in. "Welcome to my dorm" he said plainly. I just rolled my eyes and walked all the way in, sitting the water bottle down on his nightstand.

"Oh, bakugo, you didn't have to"

"Well I did, now be grateful"

He only nodded and went to go sit on his bed. "So.. you basically have to watch over me"?

"Duhh you idiot, now lay down and rest so that I can get this shit over with" I groaned.

"Well do you wanna watch a movie?"

"No, I didn't come here to do that, I came to do what that damn teacher told me to. Were not friends if you haven't noticed, I don't even like you, now shut the fuck up and rest"

He looked sad but shrugged it off and went to a movie instead as he made his self comfortable up under his covers. I sighed as took out my phone and just scrolled through instagram.

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