Chapter 3

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I swear Kira is my life saver, I came into work to a fresh brew waiting for me this morning. Now, with a little pep in my step, I start sweeping up front before our morning rush comes in. It's like Kira's trying to butter me up or something, because once I start sweeping I hear her start Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac.

"Oh man K! You know what this song does to me?!" I yelled back to her earning a hearty laugh in return. I reach up and open up the blinds letting the dusky morning light fill the shop and look out the window. Barely morning in LA there are cars scattered looking to beat the rush of traffic. I notice a dark figure stagnant across the road from where I am now. The light on the corner turns green causing the cars to resume moving, with the first passing car the shadow is gone. My breath hitches in my throat and the broom falls to the floor. "He'll find you" ringing in my ears. No, it's impossible. I close my eyes to try to ground myself, seeing flashes of blood and fingers, he'll find you, he'll find you, he'll find you. My breath now unsteady, I rush over to the cash register to grab a notepad and pen. I can't breathe, my chest is tight. I stare at the notepad desperately trying to focus my vision. Trees Sage, focus. I close my eyes and see it. Giant Red Wood trees towering over my head. I feel my hands scribbling on the page in front of me, but I'm not there. I'm in the forest dew on my skin, birds and bugs buzzing and chirping. My chest steadies, I'm back, I'm grounded, I'm okay. I'm okay. My hands are still shaking but I'm safe and in the shop. No one can hurt me. I am safe. I can feel my chest start to loosen back up. I can breathe again. I take three deep breaths in grounding myself more.

"Wow I don't think I've ever seen anyone draw with such detail with their eyes closed."

My eyes shoot open, Green. There they are, those eyes that i couldn't get out of my head for the past few days. I scramble to cover the page I was just drawing on.

"Oh i'm so sorry i didn't hear you come in, i was- i was just- uh, well-"

"No need for an explanation sunshine." I swear he can probably hear my heart hammering against my chest. Pull yourself together Sage. I watch as he leans down and picks up the fallen broom. " I believe you dropped this." He says placing the broom next to the counter door. I take a quick breath in. How much of that did he witness? Did he see anything besides me frantically drawing? I sigh and collect myself.

"Right, well what can I do for you handsome." I smirk up at him through my eyelashes trying to organize the cluttered mess in front of me.

"Well that would depend love, but given we're in a coffee shop I'll take the strongest you've got" his tongue darts out and glides across his bottom lip. Jesus christ, I cough to try and hide my gasp. What the hell is he doing to me?

"Size?" I manage to squeak out.

"I'm sure you can handle it." he says with that god damn smirk. What the actual fuck. He needs to stop before I drag him to the bathroom and show him how much I truly can handle. I grab a large cup and punch in his order.

"Will that be all for you today?"

"You tell me sunshine." Okay buddy you're really fuckin milkin it now.

"That'll be $3.25" I narrow my eyes at him before smiling and going through with his transaction.

" So why were you drawing with your eyes closed?"

" I was just trying to clear my head." I quickly say, hoping he'll drop the topic. It's not a total lie I was trying to clear my head. Clear my head from memories that prevented me from breathing, but still clearing my head.

" Anything in particular? You seemed very invested in your art." He inquires.

" I love to draw and paint. It's a great distraction from reality." I say with a hum.

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