Chapter 20

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Sage's POV

I cannot do this. I was wrong, I'm more anxious than ever as Louis drives us to Harry's house. I don't want to see him. He's annoying and rude. He didn't even take the blame for ignoring me.

I don't want to play nice. The anxiety is quickly turning to anger and I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing. Louis made me leave all the knives at home. Said I'm too unpredictable. The fuck is that supposed to mean.

So I'm sitting here really realizing how fucked I am.

"Princess? You okay?" Louis asks.

"Gonna be honest, no. Kinda freaking out, but also getting angry? I don't know, it's a weird feeling." I say laying back in the seat.

"What are you freaking out about, let's talk." He says with a smile.

"Pretty eyes, I'm gonna stab you if you don't wipe that smile off your face."

"Not how you make friends remember."

"We're already friends, remember?" I say back in a mocking tone.

"You are so much like him it's astonishing really."

"No he's annoying, I'm amazing." I say crossing my arms.

"Yeah he's the annoying one. Let's talk, what are you so worried about?"

"I don't want to see him." I sigh. "He's an asshole. He's gonna make some lame excuse on why he left and I just don't give a shit. I don't want to hear it."

"Yeah.... But maybe he won't? I know he comes off as an ass but he's genuinely a nice guy. Once he stops his bullshit... look I can't make excuses for him, but give it a chance." He says glancing over at me.

"Yeah yeah. I plan to but if he says some dumb shit I'm leaving. I'll walk home if I have to."

"You know he's going to say something stupid. That's like half the shit that comes out of his mouth."

"Okay, your point?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"My point is if that's all it's going to take, why come at all."

"I didn't want to come!" I yell

"Don't tell me that if you actually didn't want to come you wouldn't be in this car right now."

"You know I'm not sure I like you anymore." I huff

"Awe! I'm so glad you're my friend as well." Louis mocks. "Now suck it up buttercup. It won't be all bad. Niall will be there too."

"Okay it won't suck then. I missed Lucky Charms. How has he been? How's the shoulder?"

Louis laughs and shakes his head. "He's good. His shoulder is still sore but it's healing well. He's not happy you're coming tonight but I'm sure he'll warm up."

"You stab a guy and suddenly he doesn't like you. May someone remind him he broke into my house. If anything I should hate him." I pout softly.

"Well he doesn't hate you. He just doesn't trust you. Just like you don't trust us."

"I trust you enough to come without a knife. That's saying something. I'm trying, I expect the same from everyone else." I say straighten my body in the seat.

I feel very naked. I want my knife, but I'm trying to make them feel comfortable. Louis said they won't have any weapons either. Not sure if I fully believe that, but I'm trying. Anything is a weapon if you try hard enough.

I am glad they're taking me seriously. I wondered how many times I'd have to kick their asses before they got it through their pea brains, I am not someone to be messed with.

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