Chapter 34

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To all my Demon Slayer fans: I love Rengoku more than life itself.

Harry didn't bring up Oliver again. I spent the next two days waiting for him to ask more, but he never did. We spent our weekend together, laying around watching those Marvel movies. I really like the Black widow character. Every time I tell Harry he just looks at me with sad eyes. He's started to watch Criminal Minds with me too. Who would've thought we could be so domesticated. This is the life I pictured Harry having. Can't say I've ever seen it for myself, but it's okay to pretend sometimes.

I finally left his house this morning. He ended up getting a phone call about something work related. He offered to bring me with him, but I needed to water the plants. So now I'm just sitting here, bored out of my mind. How did I used to be alone? I'm so bored now. I've painted, I've practiced throwing, I've even cleaned my apartment. Maybe I should go visit Kira. I haven't seen her in a while and she's had Jo there to help her so she hasn't needed me like before. Damn did I get replaced?

No, that's not it. Kira just doesn't want me working so much. That's fine. I'll go visit her and see Jo too. Maybe I'll see if Louis wants to join. Oh! Then maybe I can ask him to take me to Niall's shop! I smile and grab my phone, dialing his number.

"Princess? Is everything okay?" Concern lacing his voice.

"Why wouldn't things be okay?"

"You're still with Harry right?"

"No, he had to go fix something with work. So I'm home and I'm very bored. Do you want to get some coffee?"

"You normally wait for me to call you. I'm happy to come get a coffee with you. Are we going to Kira's cafe?"

"You know Kira?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. How does he know her?

"Yeah? Of course, I know her. Ada talks about her all the time."

"Why would Ada talk about her?" I'm so confused and now I'm anxious. I don't like this feeling. I can feel my breathing pick up.

"They're sisters? Hey are you okay? I thought she told you about this."

"Um no, she didn't. I'm just a little confused."

"I need you to take a few breaths for me. Can you do that?"

Kira knew this whole time. Kira knew. She knew about Harry. Who he was. What he does. There's no way she doesn't. Okay Sage, calm down. Just breathe.

"Princess. I need you to listen to me. Count down from 100." His voice is stern, but gentle.

"I'm okay. I promise. I just need to talk to Kira. I'll see you later."

"Hey don't han-" I end the call before he can finish.

I need to calm myself down. I'm not angry, I'm upset? No that's not it either. I just don't understand why they didn't tell me beforehand. I feel like this was something I needed to know. My heart feels heavy. I grab my knife and slide it into the waist of my jeans. I just need to talk to her.

I'll walk so I can figure out what to even say. Should I talk to Harry too? I don't want to ruin what we have. I trust him completely, but does he not feel the same? Is that why he didn't tell me? Was he trying to protect them from.... From me? Does he think I'd hurt them to hurt him if things went south? No. No. He knows I care about her too much. So why? I tap my fingers against my thigh as I walk. The trees aren't as pretty now. All the flowers have fallen, leaving them empty.

I push through the doors to see Louis waiting with Kira. She gives me a sad look, "So you found out?"

"Why?" I ask, "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't Harry tell me?" My voice sounds a lot angier than I intended it to.

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