♩Day #98: M a g a z i n e & M u s i c puns

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Day #98: M a g a z i n e & M u s i c puns

♫As fans of Axl and Slash, Pat and Rhain's favourite rock band is Puns 'n' Groanses

♫All of Pearl Jam's decisions are to be approved by Eddie Vetter

Vanity Fare is too expensive.

♫In the Middle Ages men read A Squire magazine. 

♫The periodical dedicated to exploding volcanoes was known as Mad Magma Zine.

♫When Cosmo raised its newsstand price,

        ♪did they call it Cost mo'?

♫How do you test a gangsta's intelligence?

        ♪He reads G.Q.

♫Which mag is obsessed with the personal lives of celebrities? 


♫Hear about that hardcore pottery mag, Clayboy?

        ♪I'd kiln to have one of their models!

♫A spicy read? 


♫This mag chronicled executions?
♫" ungulate medicine?
♫" bad pornography? 

♫Which mag is about palpating your own urine? 

        ♪Feelin Stream.

♫Which band is raising a stink? 

        ♪New Odour

♫What band do farmers play when their opium crop fails? 

        ♪Skinny Poppy

♫Which band was inspired by puffy toy animals? 


♫What's a Scotsman's favourite U2 song?

         ♪'With or Without Ewe'

♫Man cannot live on bread alone?

         ♪Au contraire! As the Beatles sang, 'All You Need Is Loaf'

♫Which Beatle was communist? 

        ♪John Lenin

♫Which songstress got a ligament transplant from rocker Cocker? 

        ♪Joe-knee Mitchell

♫Which folksinger was an oil baron? 
        ♪Bob Drillin'
♫" was hung up on actress Bancroft? 
        ♪Bob Dial-Anne
♫" killed his internet server? 
        ♪Bob Die-LAN
♫" loved colourful wool sweaters? 
        ♪Bob Dye-lamb

♫Which rocker gave up a career as a chicken trainer? 

        ♪Jimi Hentricks

♫Who's famous for his sugary ballads? 

        ♪Bon-bon Jovi

♫REM's popular hit about facing your inner heart of darkness? 

        ♪'Everybody Kurtz'

♫Which artist has been prostrate since childhood?

         ♪Kneel Young

♫Can the singer of Purple Rain really boogie?        

        ♪Who - Prance

♫Which diva's a target for media muckrakers?


♫Which Beatle was hounded by puck bunnies during his stellar hockey career? 

        ♪Rink-ho Starr

♫Which band is horny?

         ♪The Sax Pistols

♫Which 60s band was implicated in terrorism? 

        ♪The Hamas and the Papas! 

♫Musical genius?

        ♪Eminem is no smartie

♫Which British group jogs in the morning? 

        ♪Dew-ran Dew-ran

♫Was Boy George a stickler for punctuation?

        ♪Yes, he wrote Comma-chameleon

♫What U2 album was a joke? 

        ♪The Josh-ua Tree

♫Which Beatles album had buzz?

         ♪Api Road

♫Which classical composer was lured into a furnace?

         ♪Ludwig van Bait-oven

♫You're lucky if the composer of the Hungarian Rhapsody makes your acquaintance -

        ♪you can add him to your Franz Liszt

♫Which composer likes to cut wood? 


♫Who's Salt-N-Pepa's favourite composer? 

        ♪Franz Shoop-ert

♫Which composer's routine consisted of drinking tea, hacking his lungs out, and then hitting the slopes? 


[that moment when you embarass yourself in front of your crush, and you have no possible way of changing it]

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