♨Day #70: B a k e r s & C o o k s puns

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Day #70: B a k e r s & C o o k s puns [I do not apologize for the hunger it may cause you]

❋ The dessert chef was very smart.

        ☢He had graduated Pie Baker Kappa.

❋Where do Cockney bakers live?

        ☢The Yeast End.

❋The elderly chef retired because his sage was showing.


❋My job as head chef at a top rated restaurant is in jeopardy

        ☢because my latest culinary creation was called a recipe for disaster.

❋I thought I only had enough flour to bake one loaf,

        ☢but after I added yeast I had eleven breads. 

❋What do you call it when a bad-tempered old baker goes bankrupt?

        ☢A curmudgeonly crumble.

❋Working in the bakery left her with a loathe of bread.

❋The chef slipped and broke his prime rib.

❋A high-class Lakota cook is a Sioux chef.

❋The local baker was paying his staff based on a flourly rate.

❋The father who worked as a baker was a real breadwinner.

❋The compensation received by the Italian chef was a pretty penne.

❋He made good fruitcake but he was one slice short of a loaf.

❋A baker always put too much flour in his bread because he was a gluten for punishment.

❋Two cooks had a contest and the heat was on.

❋When it comes to making desserts you really take the cake.

❋Two cooks disagreed but decided to hash it over.

❋There are a lot of bakeries on the yeast coast.

❋The angry chef felt sheepish after he had lambasted the mutton.

❋The baker had ten children and there was always a bun in the oven.

❋Cooks who use too many spices could be in-salted.

❋The hotel chef was noted for his tomfoolery and his capers.

❋The chef who tried to bribe a judge with polenta was held in corntempt.

❋The busy fish chef had a lox on his plate.

❋When cooks are in the soup they don't like to eat humble pie.

❋Chefs learn their trait in the Cook Islands.

[fun fact: my crush and I had eye sex today, 

my midterms are this week [kill me please] 

and my hair reaches the middle of my gluteus maximus [keep in mind that I'm like 5"3 or 5"3½]]

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