☢Day #133: F a l l & O u t & B o y puns

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Day #133: F a l l & O u t & B o y puns

☥The fruit farmer was plum happy he pruned his orchard last fall.

It was really crowded at the diet doctor's office but then it thinned out.

☥The second hand clock shop had to wind up business as time ran out!

When the pharmacist found out her husband was having an affair it was a hard pill to swallow.

☥A doctor who became a bartender was always giving out shots!

The boy who got electrocuted was unable to give a statement because he was still shocked at the incident.

☥Our Boy Scouts' knot-tying class went off without a hitch.

✰The boy's guitar teacher helped him pick up his skills.

☥We're expecting fallout from the recent layoffs at the nuclear plant.

✰I got a job with a company that manufactures trampolines.

        ☥Now I'll have something to fall back on.

✰My new girlfriend and I are moving together into a tree house,

        ☥I hope we won't fall out.

✰I know a pun about Beethoven,

        ☥but I won't say it because it would just fall on deaf ears.

✰Attention staff! The clothes keep falling off the mannequins in ladies' wear.

        ☥Would someone please redress the problem?

✰He choked on his all-day sucker and would havefallen off the carousel,

        ☥but the security guard caught him lollygagging around.

✰Sky divers don't jump,

        ☥they just fall away.

✰We are out of light bulbs.

        ☥Our home faces a dim-out-look.

✰I take pictures of trees and plants while the sun is out.

        ☥It really emphasizes photosynthesis.

✰November: We start the month out stuffing ballots to elect some turkey,

         ☥we end the month stuffing a turkey to increase our ballast.

✰When I opened the first snow-pea pod, one fell outand rolled under the fridge.

        ☥One might say it was an escapea.

✰I gave my stressed out feline too much elixir.

         ☥Now it's catatonic.

✰Motel operators never die,

        ☥they just check out.

✰This year I made my Christmas wreath out of Franklin Fir branches.

        ☥I really like a wreath of Franklin.

✰Of all sports humor, football is my favorite.

         ☥I get a kick out of the punts.

✰The retired general would not help his grandson color Easter eggs,

         ☥but he did give the boy some cottage cheese.

✰While practicing the drums in the bassment,

        ☥the boy fell,

                 ✰hit his head,

                        ☥and got a percussion.

✰My boyfriend and I started to date after he backed his car into mine.

        ☥We met by accident.

✰While having a hard time water-skiing, the boy commented,

        ☥'This is such a drag.'

✰Why didn't the little boy ask the flight attendant for a snack?

        ☥He didn't have the nuts.

✰When traveling in the Bermuda Triangle look danger square in the eye,

        ☥avoid falling into the dreaded Trapezoid and that graveyard of the sea,

                 ✰the Wrecktangle.

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