✿Day #79: C o n t i n e n t a l puns

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Day #79: C o n t i n e n t a l puns --some you may have seen before

♛The European snow storm was so bad it caused acontinental drift.

♛ When I go to West Africa I'm Ghana make sure Togo to Mali and then I can say I've Benin Timbuktu.

 ♛Eastern European gymnast electrocuted in Pole Volt.

♛African safari rangers sometimes have to meet dead-lions like the rest of us.

♛Thieves kidnapped the prized Asian ape because they believed in gibbon take.

♛The fireplaces of oriental doctors have an Asian flue.

♛Things made in Australia are high koala-ty.

♛The European snow storm was so bad it caused a continental drift.

♛I like European food so I decided to Russia over there because I was Hungary.

        ☤After Czech'ing the menu I ordered Turkey.

          ☤When I was Finnished I told the waiter

           ☤'Spain good but there is Norway I could eat another bite'. 

♛My friend and I are going to drive across the southern states of America,

         ☤just to see how long it Texas.

♛Cheddar is as Gouda cheese as any American could wish for,

        ☤and while we Edam all that is something one could never Provolone.

 ♛Today is a kick back and do nothing day.

        ☤I'm auditioning for American Idle.

 ♛In times like these the value of Chinese currency should make Americans pay attention.

         ☤Instead, too many of us just yuan.

 ♛The beauty queen is unhappy about her upcoming foreign tour.

        ☤She will miss America.

♛We are all speaking American.

        ☤Is this a country diction in terms?

♛I wanted to have dinner at a native American themed restaurant,

        ☤but I didn't have reservations.

♛If you said you were from South America,

        ☤I would not Bolivia.

♛When Australian sheep get lost,

        ☤they bleat around the bush.

♛Local Area Network in Australia:

        ☤the LAN down under.

[these puns were terrible, and not like the pun kind of bad, but the bad kind of bad] 

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