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REPENT, Turn away from your sin. You cannot serve God and serve the devil at the same time, you cannot serve sin and serve God at the same time. You can't love God and the world. You can't be lukewarm and love God.

"So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth"- Revelations 3:16

You can't be lukewarm. You have to choose to be on God's side or the devil's side. You've gotta choose one.

Whether you believe in God or not, I pray for the salvation of your soul, I pray God opens your heart to him and that you develop a relationship with him but you've gotta want that too.

He is the only true God, He is the only true king. God is good. Jesus is the only way, he is the only truth and he is Life. You cannot get to God the father except through him, you cannot get to heaven except through him.

I don't know what you believe or don't believe in but I am here to tell you that Jesus is the only way. JESUS JESUS JESUS.

Of course your works don't  save you, but also remember you gotta walk by the spirit and not by your flesh with the help of God. Yes he loves you and he doesn't want anyone of us to perish. He wants all of us to come to him.

Yes we are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus his son alone. But when you have faith in Christ, why do you still enjoy being in sin. You can't love God and love the world. Do you desire to stop sinning?, or do you enjoy sinning?

Where do you want to go, if you die now or Jesus comes now, where will you go?. Let us examine our hearts to see who we Stand by

God or the devil.

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