2. Drarry

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Main pairing: Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None


*In potions*

Ron: Next, we need... the thing

Harry: What thing?

Ron: Ugh, I forgot the name. Y'know the food bees make.

Harry: Honey?

*Draco from the other table, subconsciously* : Yes dear?

*awkward silence*

Snape: Minnie! You owe me 20 galleons!

*Minerva appearing out of nowhere* : Couldn't you guys have waited 1 week to get together?

*Hands the money over to Snape and disappears*

*The class breaks into laughter after seeing The Golden Boy and The Slytherin Prince shocked and as red as tomatoes. After some time, the class calms down and continues where they left off*

Harry: So you guys didn't have a bet or something? You have one on almost everything!

Ron: Oh we did. But The Gryffindors and Slytherins exchanged their money last month.

Harry: How did you know we were together?

Hermione: We found a silver and green shirt on your bed that had the carvings D.M. on it. It wasn't that hard. And the Slytherins stated that Draco had been wearing a red and golden shirt that had a lightning carved on it for bed.

*Harry, muttering* : So that's where my sweatshirt went...

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