chapter two

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I could feel the touches on my arm. I felt them. Soft hands stroked over my thin arms. ,Is this real?', I thought. I just paid attention to these touches. Focusing if they were real or just another imagination.
Suddenly I heard a voice. First it was barely audible, but the more I concentrated myself, the more I heard clear words. ,Wake...', is all I heard at first. Then it got louder. ,Wake up, Honey!' I realized that I wasn't dreaming anymore (but I wasn't sure 100 percent). I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. I was laying in my bed and my mum sat next to me, carefully trying to wake me up. She looked at me with her brown eyes and her long dark hair was tied into a ponytail. I must have looked really confused because she laughed at me.
My mum said something to me, but I didn't paid attention, or I just ignored her words. I heard her voice, but the words she spoke, didn't reached my brain. So, I just sat there for a while, I wasn't really listening to what she said to me, because I thought of this new day. What I would do with this new chance. With this real day.

My life always had been a little different to a normal life. Normally you have a reality, a life you have your family, you friends and memories of experiences. A normal human, dreams at night, but forgets the dream immediately or the morning after. I was not like every other human. Since I was able to think, I lived in two different worlds. I wasn't able to distinguish, which of my worlds was reality and which was a dream. Eleven years of my life, I thought this was a normal thing, that everyone has to go through. I thought it's a part of growing up. And because I thought it was normal, I didn't tell anyone. Not my parents or my friends I had when I was a child. It took me a long time to figure out, that this wasn't normal. That other kids in my age just live in one reality. And that something was wrong with me. I figured out that normal people only dream at night when they are sleeping. I realised, that something wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

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