chapter seven

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"Good morning, Claire!" "Morning", I answered. "You can sit down. I know that you know what I will ask you and that's already boring to you, but I have to." I responded with a nod. "Well, how were you feeling lately?" ,Well, how do I feel with cancer? I'm happy that I am still alive I would say!' Of course, I didn't say that. I told him, what he wanted to hear: "I feel better than last week, I think." He gave the same answer, he did it all the times before and asked me the next question. "Tell me about your "tumour world"!" I hated it, when he called my second world a "tumour world". It just sounds so medical and I didn't want it to be medical. I said that nothing has changed (which wasn't actually true, but I wanted this meeting to be over). I knew that he was just doing his job, but it was so annoying, and I believed that I didn't need to talk to him anymore.
The rest of the time we talked about my hobbies, if I suffer from depressions and if I ate enough. The same things, we talk about every other meeting. I got bored, of being asked the same questions over and over, but my doctor thought it was helpful for me. One time I heard him telling my parents, that it would be good for me, to visit a therapist every week. I should tell him my ,imaginations' and I should tell him how I feel. The first couple of meetings, we just got to know each other. His name was Peter, and he was a handsome 30-year-old man. In my opinion he did his job quiet well, but it can get really boring talking to him.

After one hour the meeting with Peter was over and my mum picked me up from the therapy centre. "How was it?", she asked. "Boring, as usual..." I always have been honest to my mum and I didn't want to change that, so I told her the truth. "But it helps you, Honey!" And I answered with a nod. I would feel bad, if I didn't agree with her. We arrived at home, where my dad was already waiting for us.
After dinner I went upstairs in my room. I was tired from the day and I just wanted to go to bed. I turned the lights off and laid down in my bed. My thoughts were somewhere, I didn't really paid attention to them. The darkness filled my whole room. There wasn't any light coming through the gap under my door or through the dark grey curtains. Suddenly my eyes felt heavy. I closed them and fell asleep. The last thought I remembered, was about never having the chance to be a normal teenager. And then I went away...

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