chapter nine

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"Hello?", I asked this boy, "Can I help you?" He didn't respond. "Hello?", I said again. No answer. Slowly I got impatient. "Hey, answer me!" Suddenly he looked up. Our eyes investigated each other. It felt like I could see straight into his soul. For a few seconds, we held eye contact. My thoughts were going crazy. Literally crazy. I still looked deeply in his eyes. It was like in slow motion. These few moments felt like infinity, while in reality it lasted for one or two seconds. I got lost in his eyes. Then he turned around and ran away. The magical moment was over, he broke the ban. I had no idea what was going on. I stood there, completely confused what just happened. I didn't run after him, because he was already out of my sight. "Wait!", I yelled, but I knew he hadn't heard that anymore. I didn't know how long I stood there. Confused and a little bit scared. Who was this boy? What did he want? Why is he the only person here? I was completely distracted, that I forgot that my parents weren't home and that all the people weren't here eighter. I was kept in my thoughts.

I already was back at my room, when I realised that whoever this boy was, he must know me. Why should he knock at my door when there are were 10 other houses around? Why didn't he knock at another door? He has to know me from somewhere. Or do I know him? My thoughts were going crazy about it and I totally forgot the problem, that I didn't know where my parents were. They still weren't home and there was no sign, that they would return back home. I was worried about them and I wanted to find them, but the boy wouldn't go out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about him and the fact, that he just showed up at my dorstep and then ray away.

Then something pulled me out of my thoughts again. This time it wasn't someone knocking the door. There was a voice. A voice of a woman, saying something I didn't understand. It was barely audible. It got louder time by time. I closed my eyes, to completely focus on the words the voice was saying. It wasn't like somebody was standing next to me or somewhere in the house. It also didn't listen like someone talking on the radio or on TV. The voice felt like it would come out of my head. But not like thoughts. It felt like a voice in my head. Voice in my head... Clouds in my head...

It got louder and louder. I held my hands towards my ears, because it was getting so loud, that my head seemed to explode. But the louder it got, the clearer the words sounded. Now I was able to understand them. "Honey!", the voice said.

I immediately knew that this has to be my mum's voice. Nobody else would call me "Honey". It suddenly it all made sense. This all happened in my second reality. In my dream world. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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