chapter eight

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I woke up by myself. Nobody waked me. Not my mum, not my dad and I didn't remember setting an alarm. I got dressed and brushed my hair. I listened for noises, but I couldn't hear anything. "This is weird", I said to myself. Although I went downstairs and called my mum. She didn't answer. "Mum? Dad? Are you at home?" Nothing. ,Maybe they went to the grocer's', I thought. Usually they left a note, or something, but I couldn't find anything. No note. I accepted the fact, that they were coming back home soon, so I made myself breakfast. I sat down at the dining table and listened the silence. Half an hour passed by and my parents weren't home. ,Maybe they went on a walk', I thought. I cleaned up the kitchen and opened the windows to take a look outside. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, so I wondered why there were no people on the street. I decided to go for a walk and look where all those people were.

I was confused, why my neighbours weren't outside with their children. I haven't had many neighbours, but there were at least five families with kids. I walked past the houses. Something looked different than usually, but I didn't know what. I went all the way down to the sea and didn't see a single soul. Slowly I began to panic. I wanted to go back home, so I ran, because I was scared, and this situation freaked me out. I asked myself the same question over and over. Where were all these people? Also, my parents weren't home. I figured out that somehow everyone was gone. I had no idea where or why, but there was nobody. They just disappeared.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room. I thought about the things that could've happened to all of them. In conclusion, all my theories sounded irrational and completely crazy. The more I thought about it, the more panic I got. I ran up and down my room, constantly thinking. Thinking. I realised, that I haven't thought about my dreamworld all day. Normally, when I wake up, that's the first thing I care about. But today I just stood up and didn't think about it.
"Knock, knock" Someone knocked the door. It happened so sudden, that I frightened. The noise pulled me out of my thoughts, and I needed a moment to collect myself. I shacked my body to get a clean brain. On the way down, the person knocked the door again. I didn't want to say something. Over the last stair, I almost fell down. My heart was racing. I pulled myself together again and carefully opened the door. I was scared. Who was standing in front of the house? My parents? One of the neighbours? The postman? A stranger? Or even worse: the police? I was overwhelmed with my thoughts. Then I looked up. It was a boy. A boy in front of my house. His face was covered with the hood from his sweater. I could not say anything. I looked at him. Expecting that he would say something. He said nothing. Who was this boy?

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