chapter three

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"Claire! Breakfast is ready!". I heard my mum. I heard her. Just like half an hour before, I still laid in my bed, thinking about the day. My thoughts circulated around my dreamlife. I didn't want to think about it, because I wanted to focus on my real life. My reality. But it was hard to ignore, what just happened in my other world.
My mum's words pulled me out of my thoughts. "Breakfast?", she asked quietly. She always is so careful, when she speaks to me. It's kind of a habit she gained, during my childhood. My mum is the person I talked to first about my worlds. Of course, she was worried, but she accepted the fact that I wasn't like all the other kids. I was different.
"I'm coming", I said and slowly tried to get up. It took a lot of effort to think of something else, then my dreams. It always was hard for me to get up and pay all the attention onto the reality. But this day it was different. I stood up and played my favourite song on my phone. With music it was easier to stop thinking. I brushed my long dark hair, got dressed and made my bed. I hummed the melody and I started to move to the music. I didn't even notice that I was humming and dancing around with a smile on my face, until my mum came in (for the third time now). I also didn't notice her. She just stood there and watched me. I turned around, saw her and I stopped dancing, but the smile on my lips stayed. In this moment I knew exactly what she was thinking. My mum thought about the moments, I was a normal kid. When I didn't think about in which world, I'm in right now. When it didn't matter where I am, when I just could be myself.
"I'm coming", I said to my mum. "It's okay. Just take your time.", she said, turned around and went back downstairs. And there it was. The feeling of being a normal teenager. This rare feeling, that I wished could stay forever. 

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