Author's Note

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Hey my darlings, I would like to apologize for going MIA for the last couple of months. This semester feels like a picked the most difficult and jam-pack courses going, so I'm incredibly stress with that and note taking has become my new normal, not to mention I'm behind in one course.

However, my winter break is coming up next week and while I'm going to be trying to catch up with that class, I'm definitely going to be making time to write a couple of chapters for all of you.

Now, I'd like to move on and say how thankful I am for all of your comments. I read every one that comes in, some make me laugh, and others I agree with whole heartedly. Thank you for reading still and commenting and asking for more, it makes me super happy during these stressful times.

Also during the break I'm going to be going through the previous chapters and editing them, I've noticed a couple of comments indicating screw ups that I've done and I very much appreciate it!

Thank you all for your support and I hope to make more chapters that you'll enjoy, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe<3

Also, comment here if you have anything you'd like to say. Whether it's questions, comments or just general discussions that anyone can hop into. I think it could be interesting.

~Hope<3 <3 see you all soon


I actually didn't realize how messed up my story was. Right now I'm focusing on editing and updating old chapters to fit in with how I want things to go. It might take a bit but I do promise more chapters like I said. Sorry about the wait!😅

Also thank you to those who commented on here, it was great reading them and answering some of them. 😊😊

See you in a bit, darlings!💖

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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