The Dancer

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Hi! This was requested by MaraLinart31. It's based on a post I made of what I spent one afternoon doing, and she thought it would make a good oneshot. I'll put the post down below as the prompt. I hope you like it Mara!

Prompt: Cheers to putting on white ballet slippers that could use a good clean, grabbing a brownie your mom bid on at the church auction for a church you don't even go to, and retreating to your basement to dance to one of your youtube playlists ever so creatively named Dance.

Word Count: 602

Trigger Warnings: None

Harry lifts the plastic wrap over the plate of brownies. Louis had bid on them at an auction the church in town held as a fundraiser. He wasn't sure how Louis knew of the auction, seeing as they went to a church a few towns over.

He selects a brownie, and turns to walk down the stairs to the basement, which served as his dance studio. 

He finishes off the brownie, wiping his hands off on his pants. He stands in front of a shelf of dance shoes, deciding which ones to wear. He settles on a pair of not-so-white ballet slippers. They could definitely use a good clean.  

He puts them on, and sets his playlist to shuffle, doing a few stretches to warm up. He doesn't have a particular routine for most of the songs. He just lets the music guide him in his dancing, spinning and leaping gracefully across the floor. He doesn't have to think about what he's doing. He just let's the music dance for him. Dancing is his way of escape. When he dances, he feels like he's flying. He feels free.

Louis opens the door, stepping inside. "I'm home!" he calls. There is no answer. He sets his bag down and shrugs off his coat. He hangs it on a hook, and walks down the hallway into the house. "Harry?" He's not in the kitchen or the living room. Louis cracks open the basement door to see if the lights are on. He's greeted with the sound of music, and Harry's quiet singing. 

Louis walks as quietly as he can down the creaky stairs, standing at the bottom of them to watch Harry dance. He watches the way he follows the music with his body. Louis smiles at the way he dances, subconsciously singing quietly along. He always loves to watch Harry dance, but Harry doesn't like people to see him when he's not on stage. He doesn't dance to a routine unless he's practicing for a show, and without a routine, he might do something stupid. He doesn't want people to see him mess up like that.

When the song ends, Harry looks up to see Louis standing at the bottom of the stairs. He flushes. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long," Louis says. "You should dance like that at a show. You have this way of letting the music run through you. You seem so much more relaxed when you aren't so worried about messing up a routine. Maybe you could try dancing improv at a show."

"But what if I mess up? Or do something really stupid?"

"There is no routine to mess up. No one will know. And they'll love your dancing even more if you let yourself relax a bit."

Harry thinks for a moment. "Maybe," he says quietly. "Do you really think I'm that good?"

"Of course I do, love. You are the most beautiful dancer I have ever seen."

"You're just saying that because you have too."

"I don't have too. But I am. I love your dancing, and so does the world. Why can't you see that?"

"I just don't understand how people could love somebody like me."

"I do," Louis says. "You're smart and caring and beautiful and you have the kindest heart. I married you for a reason, Harry." He pulls him into a hug.

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too."

They stand there a minute more, before Harry pulls away, giggling as he grabs Louis' hand, pulling him to the center of the floor to dance with him.

I hoped you liked it! I have another one that should be out relatively soon, but I am currently doing a binge re-read of the Harry Potter series, so no guarantees. 

I love you all so much <33


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