Chapter 6: I didn't know

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I woke up with Zoey in my arms, who is still asleep. I smile when I hear her whispering/moaning my name. She rolls over and ends up on top of me, her hair spread across my shoulders and her arms around my neck. One of my hands is on her hip and I start to comb her hair gently with my fingers on the other as she flinches awake.

"Good mornin." I kiss her left arm. "Good morning." She kisses my neck. "Howd'ya sleep?" I ask her as she blushes. "G-good." I laugh as she buries her head in my chest. "So, did you have any dreams last night?" I whisper in her ear as she picks her head up and I give her a smirk.

"N-no." She turns pink with a nervous voice. "oh really, what was the moans that I heard that we're coming out of your lips?" Now, she's red. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Zoey." I brush the straggling hair out if her face. "Whatever." she said trying so hard to hide her smile, but she couldn't.

I was going to say something, but I got cut off by my dad whispering through the curtain. "Carl, I need you out here to watch Judith for me while I get breakfast ready for the group."
"Okay dad." I don't wanna get up cuz Zoey looks to comfortable and I just don't wanna leave her, period.

"Judith?" Zoey questions with her eyebrows furrowed. "My baby sister." Her eyes light up when I said "baby". "Oh my god, you have a baby sister! I just love little kids and baby's!" She squeals. "Do you wanna meet her?" I ask. "YES! Of course I do!" She screams but it's a very quiet scream.

She jumps out of bed and gets her combat boots on. She looks so excited. I get up after her and put on my shirt, my hat and boots. I take her hand and led her to Judith. When we get to her, Zoey suddenly stops. I look at her and see her mouth covered with her hand. Her eyes glossy with tears. "Oh Carl! she's beautiful."

Carls little sister is the most precious thing I have ever seen. "Would you like to hold her?" Carl asks picking her up as I look at Judith, she looks at me and giggles reaching for me. "I would love to." Carl places little Judith in my arms.

I hold Judith and she giggles. "Hi Judith, my name is Zoey." I say in a baby voice. She smiles and grabs my nose. "She likes you." Carl says in a soft cute voice. I smile at him. I rock Judith back and forth. Carl walks toward us and puts his chin on my shoulder.

"I didn't know that you're good with babies." he says kissing my neck. "Carl, not now. There's a baby in the room." I laugh kissing his lips. "Hey guys, there's someone I like you to meet." Rick signaled to come in. A tall tan boy with brown hair walked in. "Hi, my name is Cameron." The boy says. Me and Carl say hi at the same time. "This is meh son, Carl and this is my best friends daughter, Zoey."

Cameron smiles at me, so to be polite, I smile back. "And who's this adorable little girl?" Cameron says smiling at Judith. "That's Judith, my daughter." Rick says to Cameron. "Well Judith is the cutest baby I have ever seen." Cameron bends down at Judith's level even though he's like 8 feet away from her.

"Well Cameron, let's go. I got to show you around here." Rick says. When they left, Beth woke up so me and Carl left to go back to our cell.

Carl and I lay back down on our bed, just cuddling. I was laying on top of him; his arms are spread out and glide my hand down his arm, starting at his shoulder, until our fingers met each other.

"Zoey?" Carl asks out of the blue. "Yes Carl?"
"Do you want to go and chill on the grass with me today? Just you, me, the sun and the grass." Carl says as the side of his head is on mine. "Sure, we can get to know each other better."

"But for now, do you want to go and eat breakfast?" I ask.
"Sure." Carl and I got up again; he led me to were the cafeteria is.

~Sorry for the sucky chapter, I'm just really tired today~


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