"Pilot"; pt. 1

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"I can't have cold towels"

"That's like three stories up? One in three chance of survival."

I looked up at my cousin who, at the moment, was dangling his foot off of the roof of the building at a construction site we found.

"Should I do it?"

"I'd tell you to get down but you wouldn't listen." I laughed at him.

"Yeah, you should jump!" Pope continued as he held up the drill he had found, "I'll shoot you on the way down."

"You're going to shoot me?" John B laughed.

"Yep," Pope made shooting sound effects.

Kiara emerged from the inside of the in-progress house.

"They are going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers.

"But of course they are," JJ mocked from next to me.

"This used to be a turtle habitat," she scoffed, "but who cares about the turtles I guess."

"I cant have cold towels." he joked

I laughed into my beer, "beat me to it by like a second."

Kie ignored us both and looked up at John B, still teetering on the edge of the roof.

"Can you please not kill yourself?"

I shook my head at my friends as JJ scolded John B for almost dropping his beer. I attempted to reach for another beer behind his back but JJ grabbed wrist and glared at me for trying. I just smirked and gave him the cheesiest smile I could conjure.

"Woah!" and John B dropped his beer. "Oh shit."

"Of course you did! like right when I said not too. A-plus"

"Dumb ass," I laughed.

The slam of a car door turned my attention to behind me.

"Uh, guys."

I heard shouting from the same direction of a car.

"Hey uh security is here!" Pope was already packing up.

JJ turned to follow my gaze, "let's wrap it up."

"Time to go!" I grabbed my phone and stood to jump off the platform, "boys are early today"

JJ popped his head around the corner to mock the guards, getting in my way, "Gary is that you?"

"Get down!" Pope scolded us.

"It's me! Gary, good to see you man!" JJ annoyingly continued.

I began to push JJ from the back to try and get him going. When he finally jumped down he offered his hand to help me down. I grabbed his hand to get down then let go and ran through the half-built house.

JJ continued to mock the guards as we ran, dodging beams and random insulation lying on the cement floors. I turned my head at the continuous yelling of Gary. JJ, having too much fun teasing Gary and the other guards, tripped over wood planks and narrowly missed being caught.

"Woah, not much of a hugger."

Rolling my eyes, I grab his hand and pull him into my running pace. Approaching the same picket fence we had to hop to get into the sight, I dropped JJs hand, hopping the fence and continuing to run to the twinkie.

John B, who had the keys, got in the front and pulled up to the fence that Pope was very much struggling to get over.

"Go, Pope! Go go go go go go go!" JJ tried to encourage, "get up, Pope! Fatsos coming!"

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