"Pilot"; pt. 3

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"I focused on the smell of sand and smoke and marsh water mist."

I could not believe how crazy it was in the coast guard setup. I mean I expected those in the middle class, but the Kooks had their generators and those in the cut just knew how to deal with it. All the overlapping shouting was overwhelming but it was easy to get used to and just tune out.

"Hey!" the man shouted, "Calm down, everyone."

"He's diabetic!" a woman shouted to my right, not caring about everyone else's worries.

John B sighed, "Hey, excuse me!"

"Hey dude," I interrupted, "we found a boat."

"You're going to want to hear this," JJ shouted.

The woman scowled and continued to shout, sounding very stressed, "canine diabetes is a very"

"Diabetes for a dog!?" a man shouted at her from behind.

I leaned over the counter waving my hand, "excuse me, there is this boat and."

"Your boat? We're not worried about your boat right now, okay?" said that same man again, swatting at my hand.

That was a mistake. John B and JJ both turned towards the man with a glare that would have sent anyone, who wasn't from the cut, running.

"Let's just go," I said, tugging on John B's shirt and pushing him in front of me.

I turned to follow, grabbing JJ to prevent him from stealing off the front desk, which he probably did when I turned anyway.

"Well, that went well," Pope said as we walked out.

"Sooo what's the plan?" JJ pondered.

I turned to John B, "I think I know how we're going to find the guy who owns this boat." my cousin sported a grin, and I knew exactly what it meant, and could help but smile back.

"Wait," Pope interjected, "we don't know who's boat that is, it could belong to anyone."

"I'm in," JJ shrugged.

What was there to lose, "me too."

Pope was not buying it.

"Come on." Kie said turning to leave, "I'll be lookout."

"Finder's fee," John B grinned, "just saying."

"And hey at least you'll only be an accomplice," I teased.

We had all started walking. Everyone but Pope, "Come on Bubba," John B urged.

JJ whistled at the sight of the motel "I thought the chateau looked bad."

It's true. The hurricane did a number. The windows were half-smashed, and the paint was stripped. There were mattresses and other furniture lining the halls. I was beginning to think that this place didn't look all that great before the hurricane either.

"This place is a shit show," John B said, agreeing with JJ.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kie jokingly pondered.

I breathed a small laugh. "you be the judge."

"Doesn't look like the kind of place that someone with a Grady white would stay." John B observed.

"No," Pope agreed, "it looks like a place that someone with a Grady white would get killed."

"This is Captain speaking," JJ said, using his ridiculous speaker voice, "the HMS pogue coming in for landing." The boat came to a halt on the grassy bank.

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