"The Forbidden Zone"; pt.1

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"to going full Kook"

Kie and I both moved to the front of the tomb, and we handed the envelope out.

"That's not gold," Pope stated as he grabbed it.

Kie was first to leave the tomb, climbing out and walking to John B.

"Holy shit," he said as Pope handed it to him. "This is from my dad."

I moved to leave the tomb quickly, I did not need to spend any more time than necessary there. As I pulled myself out of the tomb, JJ was there waiting to aid me.

"Thanks," I breathed, brushing myself off.

"Yeah," He nodded, and then his attention turned behind me. "Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!"

Arms still around me, JJ pulled me behind the tomb wall, out of sight of the approaching vehicle.

I looked at our friends, "go, go!" and we all began to rush away.

"It's the guys who robbed your house," JJ said, looking back, "square groupers."

"Square groupers?" I said looking up at him.

Kie was still urging everyone to go faster, clearly, she was near panic at the thought of it being the same people from my house.

"Lights, turn off the lights!" I ushered to my cousin as we tucked behind the wall of a different tomb.

"Turn your light off, man!" JJ urged.

In a brilliant moment of quick thinking, my cousin stuffed his lantern under his shirt which, in retrospect, didn't do very much.

"I see something!" A man yelled from behind us.

"Do you think it's them?" Kie asked nervously.

JJ peaked around the corner then turned frantically towards us, "Homie's got a gun."

"Screw this," my cousin said, then sprinted for our van.

The man had spotted us, "Right here!"

We all decided it would be better to run than to sit and hide, so we ran, following my cousin out of the graveyard, the same way we had entered.

"Hurry up!" JJ turned to Pope as we approached the gate.

"Go!" Kie said, already over.

"Guys! Guys!" Pope called.

I had just gotten over and turned to see what was up with Pope. "Shit."

"Guys, I'm stuck." He struggled to get his pants unstuck from the top of the spiky fence.

"Pope, come on!" JJ ran back towards the gate to try and help Pope down.

"No. Pope, don't move, okay?" JJ said, trying to get our friend loose.

I ran to join JJ in getting Pope down but didn't care all that much that he might rip his pants when I could see those men getting closer.

"You're gonna rip me. Wait. You're gonna rip me!" Pope protested.

"You're fine. Come on!" I argued back.

Finally, Pope managed to get down from the gate, however, at the expense of his shorts.

"Pope, come on!" John B urged from the driver's seat of the van.

"Nice! Come on, dude. It's a little Tootsie Roll," JJ joked.

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