"Pilot"; pt.5

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"I just uh, you know, ran out of air"

"This is empty... you took empty tanks? Okay this one and... that one are a quarter full. That's enough for two of us."

"Love it when a plan comes together," John B said sarcastically.

"Does anybody even know how to dive?" Nobody answered, "anybody?"

"Well, I know a little bit, but I haven't done it since I was young. Before my-... before I moved here."

JJ was quick to change the subject, "it's kind of a Kook sport."

"I read about it," Pope supplied.

"Great, Pope read about it so two of us are going to die," Kie rolled her eyes.

"Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe, how hard could it be?" JJ asked.

"Well, if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood," Pope supplied. "And you get the bends."

"Bends like," In a display of stupidity, JJ bent over, "bend over?"

"The bends kill you," I said, straight-faced.

"Right," JJ immediately became serious.

"I can- I can dive too," my cousin chipped in.

"Yeah, you can dive," JJ agreed. "I'm cool with that."

We all turned to face my cousin, "since when can you dive?" Kie asked.

"I'll do it, it's fine." I could tell he was trying to be chill about it.

"Let me just do some calculations real quick. So that boat's like thirty feet down, right? So, it'll take 25 minutes at most at that depth. Which means you guys have to make your safety stop at about 10 feet. Alright? for two minutes." Thank goodness for Pope, who obviously knew more about this than I did.

"Yeah, okay got it," I nodded.

"Ten feet. Two minutes," my cousin repeated. "Got it."

I heard a splash at the front of the boat and looked to see Kie had jumped into the water.

"Uhhhh what was that?" I questioned the group.

"I don't know. But I liked it," JJ smirked, "a lot."

I turned and hit JJ in the chest for the comment.

"Okay so, how do we get in?" I asked.

"Alrighty. Yeah. Uh, when you... uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside," JJ handed us a corkscrew looking tool, "and twist and pull, okay?"

"Stick in the hole," John B recited.

"Twist and pull, got it," I nodded.

"Yeah, my dad moved some weight back in the day," JJ said, explaining how he knew all of this.

"Who didn't?" Pope asked rhetorically.

Just then, Kie came up from the water, "I tied my t-shirt to the anchor chain about 10 feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop."


"Alright, keep an eye on this," Pope pointed at the meter indicating the oxygen level, "You need to make sure you have enough air to decompress."

"Right okay," I nodded my understanding.

"How much air do we need?" my cousin asked.

"Unclear," Pope shrugged, then placed a hand on my cousin's shoulder, "breathe as little as possible," Pope added.

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