Chapter 1

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Luke's Pøv

To:Loml 💕😘

Hey babe....

I love you so fucking much I just need to tell you that.

I miss you so damn much😩.

I just came back from your house....

Nothing in your room has changed.

I looked at the pictures of us we looked so happy. You looked so happy.... The boys miss you and so does your sister, at least that's what her mom told me.....I still haven't met her

Her mom says ever since you and your brother left she's locked herself in her room and only comes out for food bathroom and work.

She wants you guys back... I want you back

Shit.... why did you leave me???

You promised.....

Why won't you respond???



Oh yea

You can't

I feel so pathetic right now because I know you'll never respond.😖😫😢

You broke your promise el.

Idc because I miss you....

Please respond just one last time, give me that one last thing......

Why am I trying?

I'm going to sleep now I love you with my body heart and soul to death gn my love 😘......

I Need To Let GoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang