Chapter 2

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Luke's Pøv

To: Loml 💕😘

Morning princess 😍

I had a dream about you last night....

You looked so beautiful and peaceful.
You wore that flowy dress you know I love, and your hair was done up into a messy bun.

You looked happy.... I miss your smile

I miss holding you close.

I miss your lips.

I miss the way your nose crinkles when you laugh.

I miss the sound of your voice.

I miss your crazy personality.

But most of all I miss you.

It hurts baby, I'm trying to stay strong though but I can't help but cry myself to sleep every night thinking what if you were still here.
Your my world.💕

No one can and will replace you.
I promise.😘

Can you please come back?

I don't know if I can go on without you.

It's a struggle.

Was that really you in my dream?

Telling me to move on???

If it was babe I don't know how I can...
You were my first love, shit you were my only love. how could I ever put someone else in your place.

That's the thing I cant.

Well I have to go my love 😘 The boys are taking me out.... they said I should move on..... you left me over 6 months ago but baby I wont.

I'll never forget you.

Bye baby talk to you soon 😩

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