Chapter 7

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Elizabeth's Pøv

It's been hard since mom and dad died. Dylan's girlfriend Amayah whom I see as a sister convinced her mom to let us stay with them. Its been 3 months and Amayah has gone out of her way to make me feel at home.

She always talks to me. Offers whatever she cans and just supports me. Dylan and I were suppose to share a room but she had told her mom to let me have the room to myself and Dylan would share with her.

Her mom had decided against it but she had explained she would have the door open all the time. Her mom finally gave in and here we are.

Currently Dylan and Amayah are upstairs and I'm waiting for my boyfriend luke to come over. I haven't seen him for 6 months since he went on tour. He said he was staying home for 8 months so the first thing he would do is visit me. I missed him so much. Yes we skype everyday but it's not the same.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Without thinking I ran opening it and hugging whoever was there.

Long arms wrapped themselves around my waste squeezing me tight.

"I've missed you so so much." he whispered making me squeeze him tighter. A low laugh escaped his mouth as I felt his chest vibrate.

I tilted my head up to look at him and he planted a kiss on my lips. Suddenly a cough interrupted us and I pulled away from luke making him grone.

"Oi mate!" Dylan greeted luke.

"Hey long time no see." luke hugged him.

"It's been too long we need to catch up when your not playing tonsil hockey with my little sister." He winked and I hid my face in Luke's arm.

"Definitely bro." And before Dylan crept up the stairs luke just had to call out.

"Where are you going?"

"Well you want play tonsil hockey with your girl I want to play it with mine." Dylan chuckled and I playfully gagged.

"Oh the one I've been hearing about. The most amazing girl ever because she helped you guys through a rough time." he beamed.

"That would be the girl." Dylan's face suddenly went red.

"I'd have to meet her then."

"Back off she's mine Hemmings and maybe some other time she isn't really that fond of meeting new people."

"Oh ok maybe some other time and I already have the girl of my dreams right here." A smile stretched from ear to ear on my face.

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