Chapter 4

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Amayah's Pøv

"Breaks up Amayah!!" My boss Lilian shouted from the kitchen
"Ok Lils!" I shouted back.
"Thank you for that extra 10 minutes too." I winked at her. She really is an amazing boss.
I quickly ran to the kitchen and wrapped my apron around my waste.
"Veronica it's time for your break!!!" My voice rang throughout the diner. She tackled me into a hug while silently thanking me from taking the dinner rush. I nodded my head and she left a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek. I laughed to myself as I watched my purpled hair bestfriend waddle into the back room.

I straightened out my uniform and headed to my first table. It was a sweet couple with a small toddler who seemed to just like playing with the spoon on the table. I took their orders down and quickly headed to others. Around my 7th table I noticed a group of hockey boys sitting at one of my tables.

I knew how this would end. Messy table, loud conversation, yada yada yada. I made my way to the table and I surely took my time getting their.
"May I get you guys anything?" I asked with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"I'll have a grilled cheese and a chocolate milk shake please, love." one smiled, ok maybe they aren't that bad.
"I'll have the same." The dirty blonde one added handing me the menu.
"I'll just have a coke, love, and maybe your number?" The last one asked hopefully, and may I add he was hot. My heart was pounding. Should I ?? No I'm not ready I cant.
" No can do hun. I'm not looking for a relationship or a fuck buddy. And your orders will be right up." I said as I quickly gave our cook all the orders.

It was true I wasn't looking for a relationship. Not since.... Not since him. I miss him so much it hurts. With him now on my mind and a heavy heart I went on waiting on tables.

Everything was slowing down and Veronica went home early because she wasn't feeling too well so I told her I would cover for her.

I quickly checked the clock. An hour and a half left Amayah you can do this. Maybe no more people will come in. And as soon as that thought popped into my head 4 boys that looked about my age piled into a booth.
One looked Asian, so I could swear he was kiwi and he had cheeks that look so squishy. The next one had purple hair and he looked like one of those fuck boys. The next had curly hair and hands that looked about the size of gorilla hands. The last one.......

I Need To Let GoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ