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Louisa's p.o.v

Leo walks forward saying "Fugitoid, how could you?? You.. you lied to us! Everything was a lie!!" Kash stepped up and held Leo back. It looks like Kash wasn't trying to use all that much energy, so Donnie comes forward and helps Kash. "Woah, hold on Leo-" Donnie says, but I skate my way to stand by Fugitoid, knowing he's been by our side this entire time. 'If he wanted to turn on us, he would've done it a long time ago!' I think to myself as I stand my ground. Fugitoid makes a confused sound, but as April, Donnie and Kash defended Fugitoid- everyone else doesn't trust him.

"His heart's in the right place!" April says out loud, so Raph angrily says "he doesn't have a heart, he's a robot!" I look back at Fugitoid sadly. He looks down sadly, so I wrap my arm around his shoulders and just narrow my eyes at Raph. "Earth wouldn't have been destroyed, this insane space chase wouldn't be happening if you didn't build that thing in the first place!" Leo says angrily. Leo was close and in Fugitoid's face, so I huff and push him back by his shoulders saying "hey, he's doing everything he can to fix it." "Yeah, just like you're doing everything you can about your powers!" Leo says angered to the max.

I take a step back as my eyes get glossy 'dang, that even hurt me a bit...' I clench my fists and went to punch him, but felt a cold hand pull me back. "I-I was a different humanoid all those centuries ago! I've changed, I am trying to make up for my mistakes" Fugitoid says as he holds me back. I continue struggling in his hold as I try stepping up to Leo, but he got close enough for me anyways. "Mistakes?!" Leo asks as he gets close to throwing his fist towards Fugitoid, so I go to punch him. Mikey stands in the way as Fugitoid pulls me more back and I barely missed punching Mikey from this.

Mikey then says "calm down, bro! Give Fugitoid a chance" I breathe in and out to try and calm myself down from this. Baxter sighs and walks towards us saying "isn't that something we've all learned by now?" I smile at this. "To give someone a second chance?" Mikey, Baxter and I all ask as we look at Leo, though he's continuing to glare at Fugitoid. Leo walks away saying "I don't want to be a part of Fugitoid's plans anymore - I'll come up with my own plan to take down the Triceratons." Fugitoid makes a little sad face with his eyes, so I hug him saying "I'll try talking to him... he'll listen to me."

After that I run down the hall and say "Leo!... come on, let's just talk" I could hear his swift footsteps running down a different hall. Smirking softly I skate down the hall and easily found him as I stop skating while grabbing his wrist. He growls a bit and tore his wrist from my hold as he glares at me "what?..." Leo asks and takes a step closer. I take a step back saying "dude, chill.. Fugitoid-" "you're not changing my mind about this, Louisa. Fugitoid is the whole reason on why the Earth was destroyed! I wouldn't expect you to understand."

He begins walking away again, so I furrow my eyebrows confused "what's that supposed to mean??" Leo stops and doesn't bother turning around. "This isn't even your world, you don't care about it as much as the rest of us do, Louisa. You're not-" "oh, so just because I'm not from here I can't appreciate what I had?!" I yell out at him. He looks at me from over his shoulder with his glare, so I start walking towards him and glare at him myself. "I had actual people from my world to care about - that's who the Elementals are, Leo."

Leo finally faced me as I say "I also lost the only great father-figure I could have here!! Sure, we all did... but he was right by me.. I could've helped. I blame myself for his death, Leo" his eyes widen at my words, but I finally let my tears fall. "I blame myself for every pet that I choose to keep... ever since George I keep getting my pets killed. Even a stupid stuffed animal!!..." I yell out as I just glare down at the floor while my tears fall. "I could've prevented three deaths.. and you're saying I wouldn't understand?!" I ask angered while looking him in the eyes.

He didn't talk, so I just say "I may not be from here... but I care about it just as much as anyone else here - I just don't have younger memories like you do. I just haven't grown up here like all of you have, and yes, I do think the same thing that you are from time to time. But that's because the one thing I have is family... most of my family made it on this ship." "Then why aren't you more mad at Fugitoid-" "you don't think I'm mad?!" I ask with anger. Leo flinched at my interruption, but I say "I just know that he's trying to fix what he's done."

Looking down I say "I've been trying to do the same for so long... trying to fix what my powers have done to all of you. She just keeps on messing with everything more and more - Fugitoid has an actual chance of changing things." Sighing softly I let my last tear fall saying "I don't even stand a chance..." Leo set his hand on my shoulder. "Louisa-" Leo got interrupted as I straighten and look him in the eyes... but with a pout instead. "Weo, do you really believe me lashing out on everyone is from Powers??" Powers asks and wraps her arms around his shoulders.

She's making me stand dangerously close to him, so he blushed and nervously gulped as Powers adds "I've just been toying with everyone. Haven't you noticed??" Then she chuckled before pushing Leo back with a glare on my face. "I've tried over and over to mess up our friendship, mine and Don's relationship... everything. Then I just feel bad for you guys and try to fix it all right after just to try again" Powers says and crossed her arms. Leo's eyes widened as he softly pats his cheeks that are still blushing, so Powers chuckles at this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Earth's Last Stand (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now