Professor Honeycutt.

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Louisa's p.o.v

My tears come faster as I say "I-I didn't want to be a burden..." "this is not over!" Mozar interrupts, so we look and see the Triceratons beaming away. I walk towards my group of friends as I don't feel like explaining anything else to Master Splinter right now. "Sensei!" Donnie and Baxter yell out as Raph yells out "father!" The turtles and Baxter all hug Splinter. I smile at this and think over all of the negative thoughts I was thinking earlier and think of now. 'We actually did it!' I think happily, but the tractor beam caught our attention, so more tears come.

I try not to break down as I solute Fugitoid as he starts to leave with the Black-hole generator "oh no!" Kash says worried. "Fugitoid's got the generator" Leo says while looking up "it's what he wanted all along!" Kit and Haven yell out angered. "I.. I get it now" Donnie says, so I hug him tight as I finally let my tears out "okay, at least we're still together in the future, Don Don." Past me and Donnie hug a bit, but I shake my head and mouth "we're not together right now." Past Donnisa's eyes widen at this, but Donnie hugs back as he starts to explain the situation to the group.

"He said the only way to destroy the Black-hole generator is a combination of fusion and dark matter" Donnie explains. "Which means??" Casey asks confused, so Baxter gasps and says "the ship uses dark matter, and Fugitoid is powered by a fusion core." Leo finally had the fact sink in as he says "that's.. that's why he wanted us off the ship." Kash then says "he didn't want to steal it, he's..." I lean back while wiping away at my tears. "He's sacrificing himself" I say as my eyes are glossy and my tail went limp while my dog ears press against my head.

Mikey and Mondo look up saying "no, Fugitoid - don't do it!!" Now we can hear him over our little speakers on our suits. "It has to be this way, my friends... if you knew my intent, you would have surely tried to stop me. And for that, I thank you" Fugitoid says a bit sadly, so my eyes tear up even more as I hug Donnie tight. He wraps his arms around me, but Past Donnie says "how are we not together?? We're perfect." I sigh and say "it got complicated, alright? You'll see in the future" Donnie nods, but still keeps his arms around me.

Fugitoid then adds "let it be known.. that you are my friends, and I love you all" the Ulixes quickly flew towards the mother ship. I hide my face in Donnie's plastron as he hides his face on the top of my head and the sky went bright. When it sounded like it was all over and done with I look up while my eyes are glossy. Mondo hugs my legs, so I let go of Donnie and pick up Mondo as I hug him tight out of sadness. "Why??..." Baxter asks sadly, but I hear footsteps coming towards us- "I do not fully understand what transpired here this evening" Splinter says.

With that I put Mondo on my back and see Baxter wiping a tear away while Kash has his hand on his forehead, so I just look back at Master splinter. "But I thank my sons and daughters, both present.. and future" Splinter adds last. Past Casey then says "so, uh, what are we gonna do about this? The Earth isn't big enough for two Casey Joneses." Casey then says "hey, back off, punk!" Though I just look back at the Mighty Mutanimals. I set Mondo down and skate over to Slash real quick and jump onto him as I hug him tight.

"Oh sewer apples, I've missed seeing you, bro" I say and hug him tight, he chuckles and pats my back saying "how long were you up there??" "Six months. It was way too long" I answer out "six months?!" Dr Rockwell asks shocked, so I just nod. That's when I realized my tail is wagging so fast, so I nervously laugh and jump off of Slash and stand up. I look at the Mutanimals and smile at every one of them "oh my gosh, I've missed seeing you guys." They all smile at me, but I hear a ship landing down close by, so I look over and see the Ulixes landing down again.

My jaw dropped as happy tears come to me, so I skate over to the group and try not to fall from skating too fast. Though I did end up tripping on my own foot and start falling forward until Kash caught me. "What? Fugitoid? He's back??" Mikey asks, so I had realization hit me as Kash helps me stand upright. Baxter then says "if there's two sets of us in this universe, then there should be two Fugitoids as well." The ship finally lands and the door opens to show Fugitoid standing right there just like I remember.

He steps out with a smile saying "hello, my dear friends - my name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, how would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?" I smile big at this. Despite the time difference and him not really knowing me I run over to him and hug him tight. Past us start to get a bit excited by his question, but he tensed at my hug before patting my back. I let go and look at the Past us saying "space is awesome guys" Leo nods before taking a small step forward. "And if there's one guy in the universe you can trust..." I walk by his side and playfully elbow him as we say "it's the Professor."

Fugitoid then happily says "thank you Leonardo and Louisa! Perhaps we'll all meet again.. in the future" I smile at this as I chuckle softly. Past turtles, Baxter and me hug Master Splinter while Past Mondo does a peace sign before running to Past me. Past Kit rolled her eyes softly before going on the ship too as did Past Haven, but Past Kash happily ran on. Past Casey and April also run over to the ship happily, so Master Splinter tried to stop them, but it was too late. "I think we must talk about this!" Master Splinter says last, but we all just wave a goodbye to our past-selves.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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