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Louisa's p.o.v

Fugitoid cleared his throat before saying "here is my plan: while you eleven help your past selves in stopping the Triceraton guards, I will capture the Black-hole generator with my tractor beam." 'Wait, why do I feel like I barely remember what happens once he actually does that part of the plan?' I think confused. "So you drop us off on Earth and fly off with the generator alone?" Haven asks as her eyes slowly turn neon green. Leo steps up saying "forget it!" Fugitoid was about to take a step, but couldn't before April says "I can sense you're hiding something from us, Professor. You're lying to us" Casey then says "cough it up, Fuge! What's the deal, yo?" I just cross my arms and look to the side.

Fugitoid throws his arms down saying "there is no 'deal' - it is imperative that you all follow my exact plan without question!" I sigh and sit down. Then I nod once, but Kash says "I'm afraid to say we can't do that, Professor" 'dang, everyone is against him now.' "We're goin to Earth alright.. and you're coming with us!" Raph states as everyone gets in a fighting stance. Well, everyone except Baxter and Mondo, but Chompy does a little sound after Raph's words. "No, I am not, and if you will not implement my plan - then you are no longer wanted on this ship."

With that being said I realized what was about to happen, I stand up quick and skate towards him as everyone falls down the trap door. "Louisa, go down with the others!" Fugitoid instructs me, but I just shake my head and start thinking. 'This is probably the last time we ever see him' I think to myself before looking Fugitoid in the eyes. "I'm not from here - but I know what's happening, dark matter and fusion?- that's you and this ship." Fugitoid's eyes widen at this, but I say "yeah, I payed attention, but-" "you can't stop me!" Fugitoid says before trying to push me.

I go to the side and grab his arm saying "I'm not... I just wanted to say thank you" he looks at me confused as I say "for everything." Then I hug him, so he hugs back "I will miss you and everyone else so dearly" "we'll miss you too. Now I'll act like you threw me out like you did with the rest" he nods, so I grab my stuff before jumping and screaming as I go. Then I skate the rest of the way down and catch up with the group as we head to Washington Square. 'Dang, I've really grown used to wearing this purple suit' I think to myself as I finally caught up.

Mondo smiles happily at me before jumping on my back, so I make unbreakable ice-armor for him and Baxter real quick. "Woohoo!!" I yell out happily as I skate over to Past Raph and Mikey and tackle the Triceraton they're struggling to fight. I easily froze it up and shot an ice shard through it, then I smile big and solute them before skating off. It didn't take me long to find Past me and Master Splinter, but I skate towards them and my eyes widen. "Louisa, screaming power!" I yell out to her, so she turns around and looks my way as her eyes widen.

"Master Splinter, no!" Leo yells out, but Past me was so shocked to see me that she didn't even do anything, so I watch Master Splinter. He does the same position he did from six months ago, so I gasp and feel myself freeze. Not to mention Past me actually got scratched a bit, so I flinch in pain for her, but see Splinter is okay. "What's this?!" Master Splinter asks in anger, so Shredder tries to- I yelp as I got punched. I felt like I was flying across the place before skidding across the ground and groan a bit in pain.

Mondo stands up and starts shaking me "sis, you gotta get up!!" Mondo yells at me, but all I do is groan before shakenly lifting up the top half of me. I look up to see a Triceraton right above me, so I try to make an ice-shield, but I got stomped on. The pain felt unbearable as I howl in pain, then I finally make armor so I wouldn't have any broken bones. The Triceraton kept stomping on me, but it didn't hurt as bad- I was still in pain as I grunt with each stomp. That's when the Triceraton picked me up and threw me towards a different Triceraton.

They start punching me back and forth like it's a game until- "don't mess with me- uh... future me!!" Then I basically hit a frozen hand. Grunting one last time I fell down and Mondo tries to help me sit up as I heard ice shattering. "You good.. me?" Past me asks, so I open my eyes and let my powers go through me real quick. Groaning I stand up saying "y-yeah, I'm fine... they just know how to get me once my guard is down." "Not if you're me... wait-" Past me got interrupted as we chuckle softly, but we see Splinter holding his side.

I pick up Mondo as both me and Past me skate over to him and help him walk, but I finally just make my hand cold and wave it over his abdomen. He sighs in relief saying "thank you... my future daughter" I nod happily saying "no problem." Happily I jump up and hug him, so he tensed and says "okay, now I remember the past." Past me looks at him confused, so I say "time travel is very confusing" she just furrows her eyebrows. "Okay, I got a question" Past me asks, so I jump down from Splinter's hold with a soft smile.

"Go right ahead-" "why is your left eye sky blue like Mikey's??" Past me asks, so Past Mondo says "yeah, I was gonna ask the same thing, babe." Mondo shudders at this saying "man, you gotta quit calling her that, she's our sister." Past me's eyes widen as she smiles softly "really??" I nod saying "yeah, one of the best lil bros I know." "You still didn't-" "I know!... Powers has gotten stronger" I answer honestly while looking to the side. Master Splinter looks at both me's and his eyes widen "Louisa, why haven't you said anything?!" We both look down.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Earth's Last Stand (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now