A Discovery

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Atsumu POV:
I  had to sneak home so that i wouldn't wake samu but he had better ideas. "Where were you?" I heard and the light turned on. Osamu was standing there. "Uhh you know I confessed we were talking about it the other day" I had said "Yeah but last night where were you its like 11:53 pm?" He said not giving me a break "Uhh I slept overrr.." I said a bit scared. "Did - Did you sleep with him ALREADY??!?!" he said raising his voice "WhAt no we just cuddled I swear" I said trying to calm him down. He squinted his eyes at me. We both just stood there until Osamu spoke. "Well next time tell me I was worried"  "ok" I said "And if I see him hurting you I will stab in repeatedly" "NO" I yelled back "just don't hurt him ok? I know I'm your brother but you gotta let me live my life" I said in a reasonable voice. "I don't trust you" "Or him but fine." He said disappointingly. "Oh and where is mam and dad?" I asked. "They're on a business trip they said they had something really inportant so they'll be gone for a month" Osamu replied "Ok well imma head to bed" I told him  "Ok" and we both went upstairs.

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Osamu POV:
I had just woke up and and I head Atsumu downstairs call my name "SAMU WE HAVE SCHOOL IM 15 MINUTES " He shouted from downstairs. "COMING" I yelled back. So I got my uniform on and headed downstairs. Atsumu had made me and him toast. We both headed ot the door to school.
After school we headed to the gym as we got changed Aran had come in the club room and said "Oh Atsumu where were you yesterday?" "Oh uhmm I was busy wit-" Akagi had cut him off. "OMG ATSUMU YOUR WINGS THER ARE SO COOL!!!" "Oh uh thanks!"He responded  "Soo" Aran said  "where were you?" "I was busy with something" Atsumu answered and Akagi and Aran had walked out the club room. "wut" I said. Atsumu sighed "please don't tell them" he asked me. "Fine"

Atsumu POV:
Me and Samu walked into the gym. As we walked in all eyes had diverted to me. Or more my golden wings. The team all had shocked faces. Even Suna Samu's boyfriend. "Uhmm" I said awkwardly. I wasn't the best when it came to people looking my direction so I just smiled awkwardly. Suddenly Kita our captain spoke "So Atsumu where were you? " "I was busy with things... so I couldn't come."I said awkwardly. "ok" kita said "well let's get on with practice".

Kita POV:
Once we were done with practice Atsumu was the first to leave which was suspicious since he would always stay back and practice more so I gatherd everyone minus the twins and we came up with a plan to spy on Atsumu fortunately everyone agreed so we followed the twins until they stopped. "Samu I'm going to Omi's house ok?" Atsumu said. "OK just don't do anything.. weird or I will hunt him down." Osamu replied. "Ugh chill we are just going to cuddle and watch a movie and anyway's I'm old enough" Atsumu said complainingly "Yeah but still just don't do anything weird" Osamu said "Ok". And the twins part ways. "huh" I said "Which one is Omi?" I asked my team. "Uhh I think its Sakusa Kioomi" Aran said. Just then I rememberd that he also had golden wings.
"Oh they are soul mates!!" Akagi had said. "Yeah I now remember Atsumu telling me he had gold wings!" I had said "Well that makes more sence" Aran has finally said "I want to sleep" suna chimed in "OK well you guys can go home I guess" I began. I went back home and just enjoyed my day.

No one's POV:
Atsumu knock on Sakusa's door and he answers "Come in" he says with a smile on his face. Atsumu steps in and Sakusa prepared the popcorn "I was thinking we could watch the Nightmare Before Christmas" Atsumu says. "But Atsu it's not Christmas or Halloween" Sakusa replied "So" Sakusa laughed to himself "Heh ok we can watch it" "YAY!" Atsumu said happily. They both sat down ot the couch cuddled together and watched the movie

Sakusa POV:
Once the movie finished I looked at Atsu who was sleeping peacefully. He looked really cute and adorable he was cuddling into my side with him using my wing as a blanket and he wrapped his arm across my stomach. I decided to bring him up to my room lie him down. I got in next to him and gave him a kiss in his forehead and I went to sleep.

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