Training Camp.

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Atsumu POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, so I reach over and turn it off. I go downstairs and start making breakfast for me and 'Samu. Just as I had finished preparing I see I'm at the bottom of the stairs "Here" I said handing him the food and smiling at him. "Did you sleep well?" I ask "Yeah, you?" "mhm" I reply. Just then we get a ping on our phones coming from the Inarizaki group chat

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Kita: Hello everyone hope you are all doing well, I have just received news from coach aperantly we will be going on a 2 week training can with Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukorodani, Itichiyama, Shiritorizawa, Aoba josei, nohebi, Date tech and johzenji. So pack some clothes and essentials for 2 weeks. Sorry for the late announcement. We will all meat at the gym at around 1pm and leave at 1:15. Hope to see y out all there.

Atsumu:Cool! Cant wait See you all ☺️

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No one POV:
Atsumu went upstairs to his room to start packing his items and Osamy followed. The twins had finished packing and headed out the door both exited to see everyone.

Osamu POV:
Me and 'Tsumu had finally reached the gym and aperently we were the first ones there apart from Kita "Hi kita-San" Atsumu said "Hello Atsumu" Kita replied "Hey" I said too "Hello Osamu" We just sat there waiting for everyone making small talk.

Kita POV:
Everyone wat here now and we made it onto the bus "Now" I said "This is going to be a long ride seeing as we are going to Tokyo so get comfortable" "Hai" everyone said. We sat on the bus I sawand Atsumu listening to music, Suna was sleeping peacfull next to his boyfriend who was also sleeping. And Heisuke, Ginjima, Ōmimi and Akagi Just talking.

Atsumu POV:
I was sat on the bus listening to Video Games by the young professionals. I love that song I could see Kita and Aran just talking to eachother, MY brother and his boyfriend sleeping and the others talking to eachother. I close my eyes for a moment and unknowingly I fell asleep.
"Atsumu" I heard my eyelids slide open and I saw Kita standing infront of me "We're here" he said So I gather my things and I hop off the bus and follow my team inside. "Wow" I say whispering It's huge I thought. "HELLO!" I hear I instantly recognised the voice it was Daichi the captain of Karasuno. "Hi" Kita replied "HELLO" out team said in unison. Aperently we were the last ones to arrive. "Hello and thanks for coming" We all turned to a tall blonde. It was karasuno's coach Ukai "Thanks for having us" Filled the gym all the teams had said in unison which I thought was really cool.

Sakusa's POV:
I look around to find my Atsu and I spotted him so I approached him "Hey babe" I say "Hi Omi-Omi!" He said back. Coach Ukai had said we could choose our roommates of course I went with Atsu. I only knew who Osamu, Atsu's brother and komori shared their room with Osamu  was with Suna, his boyfriend and komori went with akagi.

Atsumu POV:
As we got to our room we both jumped onto the futon there were two but we put the other one away.
The next two weeks were fun and chaotic due to karasuno's chaotic duo and the one from nekoma, ya' know the simos for Kiyoko.

Ukai POV:
I called all the teams down to the gym for an announcement. Once the teams were in the gym I started. "OK I would just like to anounce that on the last day of the training Camp there will be a Volleyball prom, Meaning on Sunday there will be no training after 6:00pm for the prom. As I can tell a lot of us here are dating and if your single you can come with a friend we don't juge here. Anyways that's all for now enjoy your evening!

No one POV:
Everyone was exited for this Sunday. We were all shure a lot of people would come as friends but as the day came we were wrong.

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