'You ready?'

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Atsumu POV:
'Do you think I look okay in this?' I said turning around to Osamu.
'You look great in it' He replied. 'Ohh you should have a flower crown ontop' He added.
'Ohh that would look cute!' I said as I grabbed the white flower crown off the shelf. 'There!' I said after placing the crown on my golden hair.
I picked up the bouquet and looked myself in the mirror. I turn back to Osamu who is now in his suit. 'Hey,Osamu' I said quietly 'Hmm.'
'Well you know how dad..well..'. I began. 'Yeah' Osamu replied sadly looking down. 'I was hoping that maybe you could...walk me down the isle' I said looking up to him.
Osamu gently smiled and said 'I would be honoured'. He said welcoming me into a hug.

Sakusa POV:
I grunted as I tried to get my suit on properly. I heard a little giggle coming from behind me.
'Have you never put on a suit' Said Komori chuckling.
'Oh buzz off' I said now clearly annoyed.
'I need to look perfect' I said muttering under my breath, but loud enough for my cousin to hear.
'This is Atsumu we are talking about' He said.
'And?' I said waiting for a reply.
'Do you remember the time he calls you saying that he had to cancel the date plans because he was sick and you ran out in your pyjamas even though it was SNOWING!'
'...Fair I said, but this is different, It's our wedding day's
'Yeah I suppose' He said as he walked off to get ready.

Suna's POV:
I see Osamu and Atsumu walk out of the house wearing suits Osamu is wearing a light grey sit with a small flower in the side pocket and Atsumu is wearing a white suit with a white flower crown holding a bouquet of yellow Lily's as they were Sakusa's favourite.
'Took you long enough' I said getting in the car.
'Sorry, Mr.Anxiety over here was taking a long time to get ready!' I head Osamu say to me
'HEY! you would do the same on your wedding' Responded Atsumu.
'Would Not'
'Would too!'
'Would Not'
'Would too'
I shook my head and started the car as the two twins kept fighting.

3rd Person POV:
It was around 4:30 pm now, the two boys were in their rooms going over their vows and doing some final touches.
'Ahh god, What is I screw up?' Atsumu said looking at his friend, Tendou. 'It will be fine ok' He said reassuringly The blonde sighed and looked himself in the mirror. 'Welp we have 15 minutes left we should go to your brother' Tendou said checking the time 'Ok' Atsumu whispered but loud enough for his friend to hear.

'Kusa' You good?' Komori asked as Sakusa was staring into the mirror looking like he had seen a dead body.
'nerves.' Sakusa said, trying to sound calm but failing to. 'Dude it will be fine' Said a voice from the door 'Dont worry's Sakusa and Komori looked to see Iwazumi. 'But what if I screw up?' Sakusa said whisper-shouting. Silence filled the room. 'Atsumu would still love you even if you screwed up, he is just as nervous as you are' Komori said, trying to calm his cousin. 'We have to go now' Iwazumi said looking at his friend. Sakusa exhaled 'welp here goes'.

Sakusa POV:
I'm at the top of the isle, hands behind by back smiling brightly as I watched my soon to be husband come closer. The smile on his face makes me feel calm. He reaches the top of the isle next to me and I turn towards him. (P.S. I have no idea what they say at a wedding so if I get this wrong don't come after me imma just skip to the vows) 'Atsumu, from the first time I met you,to this moment now I have loved you so much with all my heart from the way you smile when you set a ball, the way you pout if you thought it was too low or too high, The way you care for those around you even if they are complete strangers, or how you would take care of my is I ever got sick, even you flaws never fail to make me love you even more, Atsumu you are perfect and I am so glad that I met a cute boy like you'. I could feel my eyes water a little as I looked into Atsu's eyes. 'Kiyoomi, ever since I saw you, on the other side of the net I knew there was something special about you, if it was your eyes and how they shone in the sunlight or the smile you make every time you spike a ball, I will never know what is is that made me fall head over heels for you but I'm glad it did, Kiyoomi you are the best and I am over the moon I have found someone like you to spend the rest of my life with' Atsumu said with tears falling down his light rose cheeks.
'I now present you groom and.. groom, you may now kiss the groom?' The person said at the altar
I pull my now husband into a loving, warm kiss. We both pulls back to look at eachother, we both smiled and I wiped the tears off his face.

The Gold Wings (SakuAtsu) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora