The Young Guy At Work ( adults only, explicit content )

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Gina had been eyeing the new, younger guy at work. He worked over in the body repair shop but would pass her desk from time to time. They had said "hi" a couple of times and she watched him as he walked away. Not tall, but hunky in his own way. He seemed bright and cheerful and his arms were a thing of beauty. She had found out he was not attached and noted it in the back of her mind. Well, maybe it was closer to the front of her mind, or maybe even quite a bit lower.

On Thursday he had dropped off some papers on her desk and they started talking. She needed a favor and a rush job on a Mercedes just brought in. His name was Jon and he had just moved here from San Francisco. He wanted a little bit less stress in his life, or at least that's what he said. Gina suspected it was a little more complicated than that. Mendocino is not a large town but does attract a large tourist element because of its natural coastal beauty and the regular art and wine crowd. Most opportunities revolve around tourism but there are a few infrastructure businesses such as the insurance agency/ body shop she worked at that did well because they catered to rich clientele.

They talked work details and Gina got a bit nosy and broke the ice.

"Are you new to the area?" she said as she quickly looked around the room to see who was listening.

"Yes, I just moved here from The City a couple of weeks ago. I was lucky to land this job. I actually lined it up before I got here."

She nosed in a bit further. "Are your wife and kids all settled in?"

"No wife, no kids, no current partner, not even a's kind of a long story".

"Has anybody shown you around the wild bar scene?...she joked. "There's actually only a couple of bars in town. One is high rent for the tourists and dilettantes and the other is more working class, and frankly a bit seedy.

He leaned onto her desk with his elbows and said "Nope, I have not had the pleasure. I don't go out much".

Gina took the bait. "Well, we'd better remedy that. Want to get a drink tomorrow night at Dick's, on Main St?. I can meet you there after work and a shower about 7. Here's my number. Call me now and I'll have yours. I'll text you the address."

Before he could answer, the business phone rang. She picked up and Jon gave her a thumbs up, and went back to the shop.


Although Gina was nearing her mid 30s she could look much younger when dressed to go out. She had showered, checked her email and got dressed in a short skirt which she had not worn in quite awhile. She wore heels but they didn't scream "do me". She threw on a black t shirt with some sequins at the neck to top it off.

Since her last romance fizzled there hadn't been much point in getting prettied up. She had some drinks with some girlfriends about a month ago but they mainly talked and joked about not getting laid recently.She wore her dark hair down and the cut hugged her face and hung just above her shoulders.At work she usually wore it up but it tonight gleamed in the dank, half light of Dick's. She thought the bar's name was ironic because of her experiences there.

She saw him at the bar already on the right side near the end.He seemed to be milking a beer.

She sat down to his right, the final stool on that side. "What's a good looking guy like you doing in a dump like this?", she dryly commented.

As noted, Jon wasn't tall and with her heels she might have been an inch or two taller. He had a black blazer and a grey polo shirt underneath. "Hey. How was the rest of your work day?" He had jeans and black sneakers.

The Young Guy At Work ( adults only, explicit content )Where stories live. Discover now