The Young Guy At Work Chapter Six

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On Monday Ginas mind wandered. That 4 way hook up had been really hot . How was She going to react when the Jon and Andy walked by her desk?

Patty had gone back to the city and she had a busy week. Not only work related stuff but her sisters visit later in the week.

Did she have time to see Jon? What, on the weekend? Maybe. She needed to get her head around what her mood and desires might be by then.

But she Couldn't focus.

The fellows did walk by before lunch and Andy even thanked her quietly for introducing him to Patty and for the nice time.

Nice time?

They had all fucked each other's brains out and Gina wanted to touch herself as a reminder. But she didn't.

Jon texted her later but just to say hi.

She knew he was not being too needy and he realized who set the agenda.and it wasn't him.

But she knew he was fine with that. He had been duly satisfied so far. And she had been too. At least a couple of times each date.

Jon had asked her how she and Patty had become friends and she gave him the short version.

Gina was adventurous ( which did not surprise him ) and had befriended Patty on line in a music and travel group.

After a few months messaging Gina had some vacation time coming and Patty suggested she visit.

Gina had been to Europe before with a former boyfriend but although there had been good times, the cracks had already started to appear in their relationship.

The best parts had been in Paris where they had a wild night at a fancy hotel and ended up screwing on the balcony with passers by down below.

The desk phone rang and snapped her out of her daydream.

Another question about insurance and the progress on some guys BMW.

After lunch she got a bit tired and thought it would be nice to lay on the couch she knew was near the waiting room . The same couch she had blown Jon on. But her desk got even busier and she spent the rest of the day stressed out.

Jon texted again but she just sent him some emojis and ended up drinking and taking some vape hits when she got home.she ended up watching some forgettable show on Netflix.

Before she floated off to sleep her mind took her on a trip back to that month long European trip. There had been some highlights she was now replaying again. She was being her own streaming service.


Patty had greeted her at the Zagreb International airport. Gina had told her the flight from London was fine and related some stories of visiting her cousin .

Patty had a one bedroom flat in downtown Zagreb and they spent the first couple of days seeing the local sights.

Patty had scheduled a holiday from her job at the paper and they traveled to an island off the coast.

It was there they had really gotten personal and intimate.

Although Patty had a nominal " boyfriend" named Danny they were little more than fuck buddies. She had even confided some stories of screwing him at work in some kind of broom closet.

But Danny didn't connect with her interests and although a good lay , that was about it. Plus Danny couldn't keep it in his pants and would fuck anything that moved.

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