The New Guy At Work Chapter Ten

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Gina had done a lot of thinking when she had returned from her weekend in San Francisco.

Patty had called when she got back to check on her and gently put the bug in her ear. But she also had other news that would end up being a difference maker in the near future but neither one of them knew it yet.

" you got back OK?", the European girl said.

" yeah, the drive was fine", Gina replied. " in fact my mind was spinning the whole time. I only stopped once to pee. It flew by and I hardly remember driving. My head was full of possibilities."

Patty paused and spoke.

" you had fun didn't you? The city is exciting and Nora ( her roommate) is definitely moving out at the end of the month".

Patty also added some news.

" I got a call from Peter, remember him?, the hi tech guy from Silicon Valley, who I was close with? "

"What did he have to say?"Gina inquired. " didn't you say he had gone abroad".

" that's right", Patty shot back. " he's been doing some research. hobnobbing and developing the market for that app I told you about. Seems he's made some big breakthroughs. And he's back in the area".

" that phone app was kind of wild. I got off on it a few times but just started to think of it as another vibrator, albeit a pretty advanced device.".

" well", the dark haired friend chimed in, " evidently he's made some advancements and he's pretty pumped about them".

Gina got distracted by a text coming in from Jon.

He wanted to know how she was doing and Gina could tell he wanted to get his rocks off as soon as possible.

She returned to her call.

" you know, I've never tried that app with Jon. We've had a lot of variety in our relationship and only used that thing by myself so far".

Patty said nothing at first and thought out loud after a moment. " gosh, I never brought it up with David either. I wonder what he would think of it".

" I'm not sure David needs any help. He is managing quite well on his own " Gina laughed as she said. " I'm still kind of sore from that overwhelming experience".

Patty chuckled.

" now you know how I feel".

Gina shot back.

" you watch the film of it?"

" not yet" , the euro girl said in her Slavic accent. " he's been busy but he did say he saw some excerpts and will get to it as soon as he can. He did mention how nice it was to meet you. That's David's quiet way of saying how hot you are".

Gina didn't have to think very deeply to recall that wild and invasive experience. Yeah, pretty damn invasive alright.

" it was so fun. Thanks for the good time, " Gina said.

" are you used to that kind of intensity so often?"

Patty laughed.

" god you don't know the half of it! David had one of his friends from LA here recently. They worked me over pretty well together . I couldn't sit down for a week and he filmed the whole thing. He says I won't believe how hot it is".

Gina gulped and tried to imagine that.


"Jeez , that sounds intense." Wondering to herself if she could handle something like that. She knew she could.

The Young Guy At Work ( adults only, explicit content )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora