The Young Guy At Work Chapter Five ( adults only )

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The Young Guy At Work

Chapter Five

"Goddam, not again" blurted out Andy as the quarter inch bolt dropped through the motor of the Lexus.

Jon couldn't hear because of the YouTube playlist that was blaring hip hop at top volume out of the Bluetooth speaker Andy was so proud of.

"What?", he yelled back.

With his remote , the tall, thin , sandy haired Andrew Morgan muted the old Wu Tang track and said slightly angrily, " Nothing. That bolt slipped out of my hand. These Lexus engines are hard to reach with all this electronic shit in the way"

It was a sunny day in this coastal , tourist town where they were part of the infrastructure that served the wealthy, permanent residents of this art, wine and pot community. They had 3 more cars waiting and two of them were rush jobs.

Andy fired off another round.

"What should we do for lunch , dude?"

Jon looked up briefly from the 2020 crossover Subaru he was servicing.

" Don't know. Whatever"

Andy buried his head back in the Lexus and resumed the bass heavy Clan beats and angry, socially conscious lyrics.

Andy wasn't born in Mendocino but had lived here a long time. The two mechanics had long ago been to every local place for their breaks and generally just brought a sandwich from home.

A couple times a week they might hit Fiddleheads or maybe the Mendo Cafe for a burger but generally avoided the overpriced tourist faire with fancy names to bait the out of towners.

They worked their way through these two cars and got most of the way through one more each.

" I'm washing up" Andy yelled and turned the speaker off.

Jon took this opportunity to text Gina and shot her a " what's up" message.

" Nada, handsome. Just plowing through the insurance BS and the angry calls from entitled assholes".

Jon hadn't forgot about the " dessert" hook up she and her friend Patty had night a couple of weeks back. He had used those vivid memories a fodder to service himself a few times already.

" Wanna get together this weekend" Jon texted while thinking about Gina's ass in front of him and her face twisted up as he watched her come in her headboard mirror.

"Maybe. Patty might be driving up from the city and I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe we will get high and watch Netflix"

Jon could hear her voiced in her texts. It had a bold, daring sense of adventure and she was damn sexy.

Both of their brains started working .

"Let me know, I'm free", he said trying to wedge in the possibility of another crazy hookup. He hadn't really talked to Patty much after they all had fucked until they collapsed. He didn't know anything except she was from Europe and now lived in a SF studio. He thought she worked in journalism somehow but the details were sketchy. He had been high and tired when she glided over her related tale.

Jon remembered Patty's rear end in the mirror as well as when Gina pulled her hair and pushed her face into her shaved triangle.

When Jon and Andy retuned from lunch they took the door which passed through the billing office.

Andy saw how Gina and Jon quickly made a furtive glance at each other but it was obvious. He knew what had been going on . Mainly from Jon's upbeat mood on Mondays after what he assumed was some weekend hookup.

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