The Young Guy At Work Chapter Four ( adults only )

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A couple of weeks passed and finally Gina asked him to drop by on Saturday night. She said around 9 and to eat first . " Drop by for dessert" she had added.

Jon was always up for something sweet and his anticipation levels were high as he got in his car to drive over.

As he got in he got a text from her.

" just let yourself in when you arrive".

He had picked up a local wine he knew Gina liked and even a small bouquet of flowers. Jon was really enjoying their relationship so far and liked her a lot.

So far their main connection had been sex, wild carnal hookups but there was also work and small talk they had engaged in. Her laugh and sense of humor was evident and full of life.

He parked and could tell her lights were down low.

What was in store tonight?

He used the rear view mirror to check his hair .

It wasn't long but grown out enough to brush and prop into shape.

He quietly let himself in and immediately smelled pot. The sweet, skunky odor was common here and he heard some music from her bedroom.

He announced himself from the front room .

"Hey G, I'm here."

He thought he heard some other noises.

He set the wine and flowers on the table and noticed two empty glasses and a mostly empty bottle of Pinot as well.


Knowing of Gina's penchant for the unexpected he glided over to her open door and stuck his head in.

Just like the first time in her room it was lit by candles in the corners. The music was in here although he couldn't tell where exactly.

What was this?

Gina was on the bed on her back with her head facing him.On the far side of her there appeared to be someone's head between her legs. A woman's.

Gina wiggled and looked up at him and from her upside down position and welcomed him.

" Hey partner, glad you could make it".

Before Jon could say anything a head popped up from between Gina's legs.

" Hi Jon, I'm Patty . Nice to meet you. "

Ok, introductions complete. Patty's head does a dive bomb on Gina's pussy. She shook her head and she plowed into G's private place.

Gina looked down at the top of Patty's dark hair and Jon could see she had snuck her right hand down to assist with the operation.

She threw her head back and sighed softly.

" I hope you ate. We are just starting on dessert now".

They both had bras of various types on. In the mirror he could see Patty's ass raised slightly and moving from side to side as she fussed around with Ginas muff.

She lifted  head up for a minute and her hair fell around her face.

" Honey , you taste better than ever".

She brings both of her hands in to help and goes back to work. She spreads and massages.

Gina pats the dark, medium length hair and her legs tighten around Pattys head. Gina squirms and moans.

Gina has placed her small wooden chair facing the action . She asks Jon to sit and watch for a few minutes.

"There's a pipe and a lighter if you want to imbibe", she said.

The Young Guy At Work ( adults only, explicit content )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora