A Nightmare and Discovery

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Kion woke up on top of pride rock in the pridelands. Oh I guess it was a dream, Kion thought. I guess it never happened I never got the powers or went to the tree. So Kion walked outside and saw something that horrified him, the pridelands were a flame everything was dried up it seamed like there was no life anywhere. Then he heard a voice call to him Kion, he looked to his left and saw someone he never thought he'd see his great uncle Scar. No Kion said terrified, no this can't be real you can't be here. But I am Kion, Scar said as he walked towards him. And this is all because of you, you did this to the pridelands. No I couldn't have I just woke up. Then Kion heard a voice scream, wake up Kion wake up. The Kion's eyes shot open and he fell to the ground.
During Kion's nightmare:
As Kion was having his nightmare his powers were active and started to cause damage. The earth began to shake, the air was moving like a storm, the water was coming out of the plants and the ground and cutting and pushing things every where, and fires began to start and then they burned thing killing the plants. Then each of the four elements began to circle Kion causing him to foot up in the air. Baliyo saw what was happening and started calling Kion's name to try and wake him, Rani, Surak, and Nirmala heard the commotion and walked out from the tree and saw the chaos and then they ran to Baliyo and Kion. When they saw what was happening they ran over to Baliyo and grabbed him the moves him away from Kion. But Baliyo kept calling Kion's name and it finally worked. Kion's eyes opened and he fell to the ground. Baliyo ran over and helped him up, then Surak, Rani, and Nirmala screamed what the heck was that. I guess there is no hiding it any more. Hiding what Kion, Baliyo asks. Kion tells them the whole story and shows them the marks on his chest. To his surprise they didn't' try to use him or cast him out they excepted him and asked him to join the night pride.

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. Sorry for the long wait.

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