The Panther Pride

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Why would we help you Rafa asked. Please we can't survive much longer out there, just as Kion said that Balyio collapsed behind him. Kion turned around and gasped, he ran over to him and said, common Balyio wake up. Tears began to flow out of his eyes. Then Tovah came over and said, pick him up and flow me I can help. Kion nodded and flowed her with Balyio on his back. It was a little uncomfortable with both Night and Rafa standing right next to him just staring. Kion could see other panthers around them staring and murmuring about him and his friends. They soon can to a tree that looked a lot like Rafiki's tree back in the pridelands. As they went inside Kion saw lots and lots of herbs every where. Place him down here, Tovah said gesturing to a stone table. When Kion did Tovah began to pour water into Balyio'a mouth.

An hour later:
Kion had been talking to Tovak and Night for a while but Rafa wouldn't talk I him at all. After a while Balyio moved and then woke up he looked around then he jumped on Kion and kissed him. Then he said, I was so scared I had no idea what was going on. Kion calmed him down and then walked over to the panthers and said, look I get it if you don't want us here after you found out we were gay but I just need some resources to get us by. They all looked at him then said, we are so fine with that. Kion smiled then said, there is one more thing you should know. Then he showed them his powers. They were astonished and asked, if you want you can stay here with us. Kion smiled and ran to tell the others.

Epilogue: It had been a few years and every one was getting along great Kion and Balyio got married, Nirmala became a healer, Surak joins the guard to protect their new home. Rafa finally excepted them and everything went well. Then they lived together in peace and harmony for the rest of their lives.

Hey everybody I am so sorry I was gone for a while but I am back now and Just finished the book hope you enjoy, see ya.

Lion Guard: Kion's journey with the spiritsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें