The Oasis

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They gasped scowls then ran out the mountain pass.

Three days later:

It has been three days sense they left the tree of life Kion, Balyio, Surak, and Nirmala were all traveling through the desert. They were getting more and more tired Kion have them water when they needed it but the heat was doing it damage. It was noon and the sun was at its highest every one was tired and soon all of them but Kion collapsed on the ground. He ran over to check on the and was relived to see they were just unconscious. He formed three balls of water then turned them to ice and payed them on their backs. As he looked up he saw something that put a smile on his face it was an oasis. It was full of trees water and plants. Kion screams with joy and try's to get the others up but to no prevail. So he places them on top of each other picks them up then slowly starts to cary them to the oasis. As he got closer he saw a wall of wood around the oasis he slowly went around until he saw what looked like a gate. When he got close to the gate it swung open and three black panthers wearing some kind of wood armor came out and surrounded Kion and the rest. Then one spoke he was an all black male with some white spots on his fur, he said who are you what are you doing here. Before he could say anything another spoke up this one was an all black male with brow spots on his fur. He said why would you trust him to tell you the truth night, he will probably just lie to you. Kion tried to speak up again but was interrupted by the other panther she was an all black female with tannish brown spots. He said, stop talking Rafa and let the lion speak. As Kion was about to say something when Rafa said, don't talk to me like that Tovah you don-. LET ME TALK, Kion screamed which shut them all up. My name is Kion this is Balyio, Surak, and Nirmala he said as he pointed to each of them. We need help, please.

Sorry again for the long wait every body just didn't have time.

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