Meeting #14

38 3 8

we're back from the dead!

This time we finally have an idea.
We're gonna talk about...


soo many delicious foods from this era (unfortunately, some aren't made anymore). i'm gonna bring out the good stuff.

-Happy Meals
-3D Doritos
-Skittles Gum
-Juicy Juice
-Baby Bottle Pops
-Trix Yogurt
-Spongebob (and several other characters) Popsicles
-Kid Cuisine
-Fruit Twistables
-Froot Loops Cereal Straws
-Cosmic Brownies
-Nilla Wafers
-Bagel Bites
-Frozen Pizza
-Scooby Snacks
-Spongebob Shaped Mac n Cheese
-Circus Animals
-Kool-Aid Jammers
-Push Pops
-Hawaiian Punch
-Snack Packs
-Twisted Cheetos Puffs
-Fun Dip

There's much more than this.
I remember Gritz like it was yesterday-  struggling to open the package so you'd be late for recess...
I'd always take it as a snack in Kindergarten and hated it when my mom gave me the cheese ones, so me and my friends would trade in this weird back alley part of the playground. Good times...

What's you're favorite snack from the 2000s?

also please help with ideas we have no idea what the next cult meetings are going to be
thanks =)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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