Meeting #6

65 11 20

Hello, welcome to today's cult meeting.
(sry frankie can't make it-- again)

Today we'll be talking about movies.

Movies were probably the most nostalgic thing about this time, aside from a few games, toys, and songs.

There are a few obvious choices that are kind of nostalgic, like Madagascar, Shrek, Spirit, Monsters Inc., and pretty much any Disney princess movies, but there were other nostalgic ones as well.

For example, literally any of the Barbie movies. The animation is so bad, but looking back on them now they're pretty laughable to watch and make fun of.

And, of course, DCOMs. 

but that's another rabbit hole you can fall down :)

What are your favorite movies from this time?

That's it for today's cult meeting 

sorry its really short i can't think of anything else to put here

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