Meeting #12

42 5 5

Hello! Welcome to the cult meeting.

Today, we're going to talk about DCOMs

severely iconic DCOMS:

-Camp Rock/Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
-HSM 1 2 and 3
-Hannah Montana the Movie
-Wizards Of Waverly Place the Movie
-Cadet Kelly
-i'm too lazy to list anymore movies so go dig out your old vhs tapes of dcoms

I remember really hating the hannah montana movie for some reason and i'm not sure why to be honest. i haven't seen it since then.
I've seen 50% of this list and can say that the 50% i've seen is pretty great. The other 50% of the movies, I hear are pretty good.

Did anyone else play movies on loop all day long when they were super little?
Or was that just me and my siblings?

ah ok

idk what else to say, sry it was pretty short
so uh
have a good day :))


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